Trash letters abcdef


letters abcdef


Nobody asked for RNG weather effects though. They made up this anomaly out of thin air, it didn’t work out (according to community polls) and they removed it. I see no problem.

EXP globes weren’t asked for either but people eventually voted to keep them, because they weren’t seen too disruptive after a few rounds of updates (allowing heroes like Abathur and his locust to gather exp from last hitting).

Anomalies are not necessarily permanent features. They’re just live tests.


How dare ppl have fun in my serious game?! O.O


I disagree. This is far from the biggest problem in Blizzard’s game design. If anything, we should further encourage Blizzard to embrace this mentality, of assessing whether or not something is fun for the players, and removing it if it’s not fun.

That’s only true in DotA 2, actually. In League of Legends, stealth comes with all kinds of limitations. When Rengar enters stealth, the game warns you that he’s coming by putting an indicator over your head. When Twitch enters stealth, you can reveal him by moving close enough to him. Shaco’s invisibility only lasts for a few brief seconds (2.5 seconds at level 1). Akali’s invisibility only works while she’s standing inside her smoke bomb.

Other MoBAs apply the exact same principle. If the community consensus is that a character just isn’t fun to play against, they’ll either be nerfed into oblivion or reworked to be less oppressive. See Teemo, Zoe, and Riki.

Counter-Strike has barely changed since the 90s, which is part of the reason it’s currently being eclipsed by Valorant.

But that aside, nearly every weapon in the game can one-shot you in Counter-Strike; the only things that set the AWP apart are its range and its ability to one-shot you with a bodyshot through armor. A better analogy would be one-shots in a game where characters normally take a long time to die.

In my opinion, the real problems with Blizzard’s game design are their refusal to admit when they’ve made a mistake, refusing to listen to community feedback, the slow pace of updates, pushing eSports too soon, and their decision to push the game in a direction that made it more similar to other MoBAs (Ex. Removing tower ammo, adding tower aggro).


Old stealth how interesting you make it out to be, was for experienced players obviously noticeable even looking at a stationary unit. The worst of all is how certain people with some knowledge of the engine could take advantage by adjusting their client to specific graphical settings in order for stealthed units to stand out even more against the backdrop.

Today’s Stealth is still an interesting mechanic in how it protects you from target click abilities and how it hides you appearing on minimap.


Ye its like having one who wants to win and another who dont care if he win or lose on the same team.

Yes because making sure your form of entertainment is actually fun is a bad thing.



#Just Will Smith things.

But giga-chad and the female-dog don’t live happily ever after IRL.

Having said that, i get what you are saying. And I kinda agree, pampering and spoiling a fanbase too much can be bad on the long run, but never listening to complains could be as detrimental.
But in the end, is all a matter of having a solid plan since the beginning, with a clear goal, instead of throwing random stuff and see what happens (which the Climate Anomaly kinda was), IMHO.

its not like you can have fun playing most melee characters anymore

Reported for optimism. /s


Where are this polls happening?
Not on official forums right?

I never saw a poll relates to anomaly ingame, nor here.

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Developers avoid the official forum for some reason. Most data they gather from Reddit and 99% of blue posts happen on Reddit. (Official forum didn’t even get a single blue post for almost 2 months now).

For comparison, look how many developers posted on HotS reddit in just the past 2 days:

AMA’s (ask me anything’s) allowing community to ask developers any questions, also happen on Reddit.

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Why would you force something into a game when your players dislike it as a majority?

What you quoted doesn’t say that at all. They said that the upsides have to be worth the downsides.


my only wish is for them to stop listening to the worst player’s in the game when they say that hero is OP pls Nerf… yet again since this game specifically has tons of bad player’s like really tons of them they don’t want to risk losing all these player’s just for the sake of balance and making the game fair and enjoyable for who loves to learn it rather than for who loves to turn their brains off and play like monkeys. fun doesn’t mean you should turn your brain off and troll / feed. but to these people fun is to troll / feed and turn your brain off unfortunately that’s how it is in hots specifically and it won’t ever change cause it’s like this for quite a while they don’t want to learn anything they just play to have “fun” which is troll / feed and turn their brains off. and nobody can change that sadly


Well for the record, I think a weather and day/night system would be cool, but they would have to be predictable and not randomized like Climate Phenomena for them to be played around with. In my personal opinion, if done right, this weather could actually introduce new fun mechanics into the game.

Also, who is Grom? Do you mean Garrosh?

unpopular opinion, i liked weather effects…


How many characters got hit by the “unfun-to-play-against hammer”


Fun is literally the point of the game though, what’s so flawed about it

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Stealth is hard to balance in a game where you’re not free to purchase an item that reveals them at will.
Early stealth was awful because aside from Zeratul it was literally a pubstomping tool. The rebalance made stealth heroes easier to see (for some players, there’s barely any difference to those of us who were used to spotting stealth shimmers) but gave them a lot more viability in the case of not being able to sneak around and get free kills.
Nova’s “punishing” kit still exists, she’s just been phased out of the position of top QM stomper by heroes that can better secure kills on their own and sustain themselves during a teamfight. Zera and Tracer were seeing far too much play not to get nerfed and if you thought old Garrosh was healthy for a semi-competitive environment in any way shape or form then I think you’re just someone who enjoys free wins by picking fotm/pushed heroes.

I did too. But they made an absolute mess out of balance and could make the game almost literally unplayable by turning it into a lag machine when the weather effect turned on.