Mix Unranked and Ranked

Mix the Unranked and Ranked games but only give actual Placement in the ranking systems on those who que up in ranked and then gives those who que in Unranked just a standard MMR which is already in the game, or atleast shown on HOTSlogs… I suggest this cause I can’t stand playing against or with the same people in the next 3 games in a row… It doesn’t seem like competitive… Especially not when you can make premade 5… Seems like… I dunno… I don’t really know what it is… but 5 man premades shouldn’t exist in games where people que all alone… I’d accept this kinda system:

X = Premade

X+X+1 vs X+1
X+2 vs X+3
X+1 vs X+2
Same VS Same

What Iwould find unacceptable:

X vs 5
X vs X+X
X vs X+1/2/3

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Rank means nothings anyway… i have to agree with you on mixing them

Well… they mean a TINY TINY bit to me… (More gold and exclusive mounts if you’re master league)