(MFStorytime) I just got raged at by a prominent HotS youtuber

I just saw the series of tweets you were talking about.

Haven’t seen rage like that over something so insignificant in a while. Pretty pathetic.


Lmao I just read it and LORD FORBID someone play a new hero in QM to get them to level 5 LMAO


Dying 12 times in a single game is absurd. I mean, it’s pretty hard to do that; you spend over a third of the entire match dead. Maybe just level up in AI.


It’s quite ironic that you’re in this thread too, with both you and Shraar having called me out in games. Even more hilarious because I absolutely hate playing with MFPT, and the game I was in with Shraar was in one of the worst games I’ve ever played. At least you apologized to me and took feedback. Shraar, on the other hand made up accusations and he has such a bloated infallible ego, he actually thought a comment I directed at him was me raging at another player.

But your quote is so on the money when it comes to Shraar. He takes the not trying harding as an excuse to just to be plain bad and not try at all. I have no doubt once the replay is released we’ll see failures on both sides, but of Shraar minimizing his faults, and deferring to a form over function argument. I can suck because, and god forbid if anyone criticizes, THEY’RE the only ones at fault.

Think that’s bad? Should have been in the game Shraar was in with me. Being bad with new heroes is expected, Shraar takes it to a whole new level. As if basic understandings of not standing underneath towers, going to objectives, and not soloing all the time are something you have to relearn with every hero.


I am very sorry to hear that.

Nobody deserves to be treated like that, especially when it is by a person with such a large public following.

Looking at it from Pally’s side (in the interests of neutrality. I’m a fanboi, so what.) I don’t want to excuse his behaviour, it is appalling. Just want to add a little perspective, because this isn’t just a Tyler1 insta-rage thing.

At the start, it was a great idea to be a QM HotS Youtube star - the games were wonky, but generally fun, and the money stream was a steady bread earner. You could end up with long queues, but they are easy to edit out, with something you can actually put onto the tube as a fair representation of what you want to show the people.

Then, the matching changes occured. Instant queues for absolute stomps. Repeatedly. You could sit there for hours with absolutely nothing worth putting up on the tube. That is wasted income.

Then, to compound it, Youtube Adpocalypse happened. Now, a lot of your hard earned content is getting de-monetized for seemingly no reason at all. After wading through hours of unusable content every day, Youtube cuts the money of the stuff you worked hard to make presentable - you basically put it up for nothing, if you were expecting to cover rent for the next month.

It’s hard to wake up and give it your all when you know you may lose this entire match to * bad comps, or excessive swearing from an ally etc. Even if you mever actually got to show your viewers what you wanted them to see*. Then, even if it all goes smooth, there’s a chance Youtube itself cuts your income stream.

Just like that, QM HotS Youtubing is not a profitable enterprise.

Pally bit off way more than he can chew with this year’s A-Z. He is trying to be true to his viewers, but it ain’t gonna happen.

I think his only option is to do the entire series in skrims with his viewers. Hand pick 5 allies, 5 enemies and show off the hero properly. If he keeps being stubborn about it, he won’t last through to Zul’jin, and Blizz will lose another Youtuber.

I’m sure Pally himself is thinking this. I have a feeling that is another source of tension for him, behind the scenes. Blizz has been so good to him, and he is just about ready to put his middle fingers in the air and walk away from them.


I have zero sympathy for a guy that tries to earn his money playing the casual mode of a video game. He deserves a silence minimum and possibly a temp ban just like anyone else would get.


Grubby just lets his anger out in a passive-aggressive (family friendly) manner, which isnt really better. Hes kinda like Flanders from Simpsons.
Besides that, he more or less quit HotS, like basically all former topstreamers of HotS (From his discord: https://i.imgur.com/X2O2YE2.png )

But yeah if you want to learn, the casters (mainly trik) or proplayers are a way better source than pally


Most (as in, some are fine) HotS content creators I’ve seen are garbage and toxic.

No wonder the community is as bad as it is.

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I agree with you OP. These streamers play the game like a job, 6+ hours a day, and rage/flame at people for being “incompetent” and get a free pass on it. and then their viewers get their jollies off at it and are like “haha I can empathize with you streamer, I get these scrublords on my team all the time too! I wish Blizz would just ban all these tools! OMEGALUL”

so you’re getting recorded and publicly shamed so a dude can make a living playing games for life. sounds great.


Did he rage at you on screen or off screen? Plus this video is over a year old Troll.

If I remember right Pally’s had tweets about Reddit saying some mild stuff about his friends. So if it’s BS I think you’ll see a tweet about this, if it’s real he’ll probably shame delete his tweets.

Youtuber trying hard in training-mode and absolutely failing at getting any footage of him doing well while flaming and twitter-ranting about how everyone except him is a “garbage” human being.

Yeah, never liked 99% of twitch-streamers and never will.
People can be a douchebag all they want, but livestreaming everyone else for your twitch-career and shaming them publicly while pretending you’re innocent just really deserves a special place in hell, imo.
If they want to be a public figure, they better grow up and treat people with respect.

I’m tired of the generation of Twitch-streamers and I couldnt care less about them complaining about me not getting them content while I play a videogame.


As much as I hate Pallytime and was ready to jump on here and trash him I can’t. It’s rare you get to see both sides of these sob stories. Pally is in the wrong for slamming the OP as far as the games’ code of conduct is concerned but the OP did set the house on fire and expected the wood to not burn to ash when they said they are only in the match to level and it makes the OP sound like they treat QM like their personal toilet.

QM is crappy but that is because too many people do treat it like dumping ground to feed and get fed and take a big ol crap in the same place that they eat like animals in cages too small.

If the report system really works both Shraar and Pally would be banned from the game, nobody is innocent here. I’m just sayin’


What do you mean? Watching someone read off their subscriber alerts and donation amounts is the height of entertainment.


It’s QM, half the people there are trying stuff on heroes/practicing hereos/leveling heroes…Who the hell goes into QM expecting a competitive experience. It’s just silly to expect draft mode level gameplay in QM.

Some people trying a hero they dont play dont always do well. Shocker I know. Also how is someone having a bad game the same as someone being toxic towards someone? Reports obviously don’t hold the same weight towards them as your average player otherwise they would be silenced, I’ve known people who were silenced for far less.


You forgot the part where he steals content by playing a story-driven videogame while blasting copyrighted music like a radio-station.

I really like Steam.
Streamers tend to implement their Twitch-link into their name.
Quite easy to avoid a major annoyance.

I’ve really lost count of how many Overwatch-streamers I’ve seen go through the profiles of random teammates to talk badly about them or even abused the report-system without any repercussions from Blizzards end.

“Oh, you did poorly in my match? Let me just make fun of you while displaying your ingame-tag in front of my 10.000 viewers real quick. Enjoy the whispers and random adds out of nowhere.”

Here’s a ban-list for you Blizz.


probably because the game’s matchmaking hasn’t been improved reasonably in years. You eventually become toxic just playing this game.

@ OP

He said you died 12 times in 15 minutes.

I have zero sympathy and you should be banned for intentionally feeding, i’m sure you won’t as they are too busy banning people over “abusive chat” and that’s probably why he raged so much. Because people like you who ruin the game for others get to play.


Feeding is just as reportable as offensive language. It’s only fair they both be reported if anyone bother to do it in that game u.u’


It’s insanely easy to die in QM as Mephisto if you haven’t really played him such as OP, we also have 0 clue what was on the other side. There could have been multiple huge counters.

Intentionally feeding is report worthy, playing a hero you dont play and doing horribly on it but still trying isn’t. If we could report every bad player for playing bad/having bad games the game would have a drastically lower playerbase.

There’s proof the OP isn’t objectively a bad player just a bad Mephisto (which is ok, you cant be good on every single hero without practice)


I mean, if the report button works, it’s reportable.