Mercy, the Guardian Angel

Ranged healer, can heal a single hero and resurrects herself back to life upon death.


  • Mobility
  • Single Target Healing
  • Sustained Healing
  • Buffer


  • Burst Damage
  • Area Damage
  • Dive

Basic Abilities:

  • Caduceus Staff (Q): Mercy can switch her staff to two modes; healing mode can heal a single hero and damage amplification mode can increase the attack damage but at a cost of her mana.
  • Guardian (W): Mercy flies to a designated hero to support her cause.
  • Optical Wings (E): Mercy uses her wings to damage and blind nearby targets for a few seconds.
  • Self-Resurrect (Trait): Upon death, Mercy is able to resurrect herself back to life. But has a longer cooldown, using abilities will speed up the trait’s cooldown.

Heroic Abilities:

  • Mass Resurrect (R1): Mercy resurrects downed heroes within unlimited range.
  • Valkyrie (R2): Mercy enhances her basic abilities while becoming invulnerable for a short time.

So many lives were saved during the Omnic Crisis at hands of Dr. Angela Ziegler, whose medical expertise and lifesaving techniques can make use of any situation.


If there was ever going to be the Next Hero from Overwatch to be in the Nexus. I want to see Mercy in it. My support for that. XD

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