Mephisto .... Overpowered?

I’m not pro player but I play a fair bit. This dude seems to do far too much damage?


Maybe, but its all PvP. Mephisto is actually performing horriby in tournaments because all he got is PvP, nothing else.
He is fine example how this game is not all about PvP, despite what part of the community rants about whenever possible.


There’s a PvE mode? Really?

Huh? I mean clearing minion waves, merc camps, destroying buildings, defending against Braxis Zerg wave and so on.


The ultimate is very OP yep.

How to counter him ? Easy, you must cc HIM :joy_cat:

But what if he use it at the nexus or at his base ? No counter !

At 20 , you see someone at 20% HP ? He is DEAD, and the ultimate is launch another time, who can kill maybe 2 - 3 guys easy.

How counter ? Stay above 40% HEALTH :joy_cat:

Ah the new hero those day, give them everything please.

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Ok… but i dont think a hero should be this Overpowered in either segment…

Mephisto is a scrub stomper, just like several other heroes that received nerfs unnecessarily (e.g. stealth heroes).

He can pump out a lot of consistent damage but doesn’t have any huge burst spike like other Mages and one of his ults is completely useless, with the other being mediocre-at-best against any coordinated team or a team with a good healer.

He is also awful at laning and has pretty much no utility except damage and a slow tied to a bad skill shot.

According to all the available stats, he is not overpowered at all. He is simply decent and only on few maps, mostly Volskaya and Infernal Shrines. Braxis, only if you win objective, maybe Alterac and Cursed, depends on enemy composition.

Just pick Lucio or Tyrande. Stitches Gorge, Zagara Maw or Maiev Disc will cancel his teleport to previous position.


Nerf is Ulty, and give him more PvE ability. Basically a powershift.

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If anything he needs a buff

i would dare say a little more teleport range on Shade but other then that he is in a good spot.

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not really considering it goes on full cd if interrupted.

this isn’t as hard as you might think.

why is your team at low HP when Mephisto isn’t even in a fight? surely you can handle a 5v4 if you’re skilled?

stasis, Maiev jump, protect status, shields (zarya, tyrael, tassadar off the top of my head), burst healing, etc.

if your team drafted terribly or isn’t skilled enough to properly time counters to mephisto, that’s on your team, not mephisto.

this isn’t that difficult considering the 2 minute cooldown. 2 minutes is enough to hearth, get full hp, do several camps and then gank someone to ensure a fight in your favor. if you’re doing nothing for 2 minutes, that’s on you.

Except mephisto doesn’t have burst damage baseline like jaina or li ming or chromie. he also has ONE escape he can talent into, otherwise you can just plant something like a malfurion root when he bounces back to his starting location and 100-0 him very fast. he also requires putting himself in massive danger with his pseudo teleport in order to do damage.


Mephisto isnt overpowered in the slightest. If you literally split up and don’t group together his damage is minimal


Actually quite balanced tbh, almost verging on needing a buff.


The only time Mephisto is Overpowered is when Diablo grabs him.

That and when he takes the global heroic upgrade at lvl 20 which can chunk half of squishy’s HP at unlimited range.

he’s one dimensional and very predictable, yes in the right scenario he does a crazy amount of damage, but thats the same for nearly every assassin. If your team stacks on each, and gives him free cdr repeatedly your team deserves to get punished.

same concept as azmodan, if your team clumps and eat off screen dunks over and over well - git gud.

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Sir I’ll have you know that his DPS is extremely insane with the Q talents.

You can fire a Q every second once you get good and position well, basically as soon as your Q hits you have another Q ready to fire provided you either hit 2 people with the Q or your W is positioned well.

His root is also extremely good as either a follow up or to just throw into a choke point, especially if you warp out of vision then start channeling just before you teleport back so that you shoot from where you return to.

it’s still amazing to me that Jaina has been the dominant mage in pro play for quite a while (i think a year+ now) but people make threads like “NAZEEBO TOO STRONG PLS NERF!”, “ORPHEA TOO STRONG PLS NERF”, “CHROMIE TOO STRONG NO COUNTER NERF HER NOW NOW NOW NOW~!!!” but never any about Jaina, someone who has been at the top tier of mages for so long.


*Opener. You mean to say opener.

A lot of bad mephistos throw this when they have nothing to throw.

“MUAHAHAHA! I rooted the entire enemy team for 3 seconds and dealt 300 damage to each one OVER TIME! I’m so evil!”
“But what about your other spells?”
“On cooldo…feck”


That’s because pro play has entirely different meta. What works in pro play doesn’t work in an average pub game and viceversa.

Medivh was a highly contested pick in pro play basicly always, while in an average HL game he is considered a troll pick. Nova was one of the most hated ZOMG OP heroes in normal games (especially QM) while in pro play she was considered dirt tier since late alpha.