Mephisto lvl 7 Talent bug

Lvl 7 Mephisto with Talent “Trickery” needs 20 hero hits to reset his E.

Multiple W hits on enemies doesnt count as multiple hits.
e.g. I jump in 3 enemy heroes with E. Hit all of them multiple times with W, still counts as 3 Hits.
If this is not a bug and intendet, the ability description should be changed.

I don’t seem to be having problems with it. Landing absolutely every tick with nova (out of 12 possible) will grant you all 12 stacks in ideal condition. Taking in account player ping and the slight delay on teleportation you will in most cases end up with a maximum of 10 or 11 stacks fighting a single target.

So to get 20 stacks and a full reset you will need to land all ticks on at least 2 heroes. With more targets there is more room for error and it gets progressively easier to meet the requirement.

If you are still experiencing problems you will need to describe them better, because the ability mechanics seem to be in order.

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Make sure they are getting hit with the outside circle of the W. It sounds like you are hitting 3 people with the E and not actually landing your W. The W does nothing if they are inside or outside the circle.

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You are right. Thank you.

But this circle is small…

You mean to say that the ring that deals damage is pretty narrow. Despite that, a decent player will be able to constantly keep chain casting abilities in a rapid succession. With his Spite lvl 4 talent it’s not surprising to see an average Mephisto to be doing top siege in the match either.

It takes some time to get used to his melee weakness, but once you learn how to properly engage he becomes a beast.