Mephisto is really heckin' fun

Oh boy there goes Mr. Phisto killin’ again.

I played him when he first came out and he didn’t really click with me but I gave him another try today and I had the most fun I’ve had in HotS in a long time, being able to rapid fire abilities and positioning with his lightning ring and being able to go aggressive with his Shade ability diving into danger to deal heaps of damage then 'pop’ing back to safety, so great.

His machine-gun skull build with the double-skulls quest is super amazing too just gatling gun out the suckers his damage gets crazy high late game I love it.

And then his ult, nah not Consume Souls, boring win-more ult, nah Durance of Hate, that’s an ult, what an ult, 50 second cooldown long-range, skillshot, AoE root that silences as well at level 20 oof, I love it, amazing teamfight ulti. And don’t worry if you suck at aiming, just shade into the enemy team and slap them with it point blank range!

I love this guy.


Yeah just tried him recently versus AI. I am not good with him but I find he has some great abilities. And he root ultimate is really good. Need to play more with him. But there are too many to play with ^^.

As a bruiser main, he’s my favorite ranged assassin because he dives in without risking too much.

Spite is great no matter the build.

When malfurion and stitches hard counter and any hero with cc can basically counter his shade position, I will not use Mephisto or learn him

Mephisto is great :smiley:
It feels so good to hit so many things that it completely resets your cooldowns. Personally, im a fan of lightning nova build but I agree that durance is the better ult c:

If you ever get him in aram, take the globe talent. You can pretty easily have 100% up time on it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just position your shade better lol, you can jump over walls, from the backline of your team and across gaps, or from out of bushes and the bushes will hide your shade.

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Their poor souls.

Quickcast on Q is absolutely needed.

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Had a skull build in ARAM recently and everybody clustered up for quest stacks and Durance of Hate. Fun times