Memes of the Storm

Yeah sorry dude, but plz restrain yourself a bit to keep up your quality of memes.
They were great at the beginning and you have to keep that up, I like it but dont spam every idea thats comming into your head.

my memes are evolving at the moment. I want to make good plot memes.
I think i overthink alredy.
The plot is the “there is not plot” on the first place is not good.
But what if i make one uhm.
I say" i have a plot" at the begining, i make plot materials as a second hand, and bammm at the end i don’t have plot is the plot?

ps.: let’s be serious for a sec. I can’t being funny, because i can’t use any swear words. Really hard to do it without swear words. I have a few meme idea, but i can’t show them, because there in it some swear words. So what i have is a basic jojo meme and plot meme… nothing else.

True comedy doesn’t needs to use vulgar resourses. If you need to use swear words to be funny then you never was funny.

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The angel and devil on my shoulder


Totally not based on a true story.

Look mum, no swears!


I tried my best, please, enjoy.


7/10 for not using Yrel as Aqua.


Im still looking for that hidden tassadar reference but im unable to find it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would like to make meme, i have a few alredy planned meme and done too, but i don’t know wich one would you enjoy.
So, my question. Wich one of my meme was the best so far?

Just create content. Or don’t.

It’s not like putting some text over a picture takes forever. Maybe 2 minutes in MS paint.

I have a little uniq taste in jokes. It’s a musn’t thing to let me making content as i want. But making memes is alredy fun. So if i could decide what type of memes are the okay…

Can you just check the most liked meme you have made?

nah… that’s too smart.
Thanks xD

This meme was made for Karabars, don’t take it seriously.


Don’t take meme seriously



This is pretty cool to pick up womans.
You can say you have bigger as karabars have. Of course they have to know who is karabars… and this game of course.

I remember once i tried to pick up a woman with my lvl 70 paladin. When i told her i have one, she laughed. I wasn’t taken seriously… so i left her.

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Still I think he can do more wity that hero then I can

Yes, i know it.