Matchmaking puts players together from a too wide range of rank points (diamond-GM band, EU region)

I play storm league in the EU region. I’m hovering around the border between diamond and master rank. When I get into a lobby, I always check the rank of other players and I usually (~80% of all lobbies) see a huge difference in player ranks. The lowest rank being diamond1 and the highest being 8k mastery points.

This rank difference creates a very bad match experience for everyone involved. The high ranking players feel held back by the lower ranking players, while the lower ranking players often don’t see the plays high ranking players are trying to make in the game as it’s often beyond their game knowledge. These rainbow matches often lead to players giving up and throwing out of frustration.

Master and GM players all see the problem, openly talk about it on reddit and in the twitch streamers’ chat and they suspect that this issue occurred in the previous season as well but it was patched at that time and it only resurfaced with the new season. I would really like if someone from Blizzard would look into this:

  1. Please check what happened with the content of the matchmaking patch from last season. Is it still in the live build?
  2. Is there any way to make stricter lobbies for master+ rank games? I think trying to find players within 2-3k points range would be ideal, and this could be extended gradually(!) if not enough players are found in a reasonable time. The reasonable time is of course subjective, I’d suggest 5-7 minutes.

I’ve looked for reddit posts about this issue. It was posted a month ago for the first time: Reddit - Dive into anything