Matchmaking Bug in QP, 5 Dps vs Balanced Team

Hey waited 600 seconds to be qued against a team with a healer and a tank. only had dps and one specialist on my team. FeelsBadMan. I sent in the screenshot to the email but heres the match-up, (yes its anecdotal I know)
Us: Greymane, Li-Ming, Probius, Thrall, and Chromie. Them: Garrosh, Leoric, Sgt. Hammer, Tracer, Li Li.

Suffice it to say we lost and it didn’t feel fair. We didnt even get a bruiser when they had one and and a tank and a healer.

Hey waited 600 seconds

This is more than enough time for the matchmaker to “Widen” it’s search parameters. It informs the group of as much when you have waited long enough (keep an eye out for the messaging while waiting, to confirm).

Once that occurs, you may indeed be matched into a non idea composition for the sake of expediency.
