March of the murlocs is a trap ult

Octo grab is so insane I can’t think of a single reason to pick march of the murlocs. March seems good and everything, but in general i’ts not that hard to avoid unless your opponents are potatoes. Octo grab is basically a single target mosh pit on less than half the cooldown, its incredibly strong, and murky can even follow up on his own grabs.

I think this ult is must pick currently. I’d say its the reason murky is viable.

Lol no

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Octo is 1 person.

March is AoE.

Neither is always the best choice.


Both ults are greath, think that octo grab is the superior one is a clear proof of the lack of understanding of the murloc.


Octograb is borderline OP if the enemy team has one key player either carrying or greatly enabling their team, whether that be with CC, peeling/disruption, damage output, or healing. It’s a point-and-click 3 second stun that can only be canceled by killing Murky, and that is deceptively hard to do when he often goes for your main source of damage. It’s only real weakness is that it can only affect one enemy at a time, so you better make that Octo count (which is not hard to do).

However, March of the Murlocs is in no way any slouch. You can zone ridiculously hard with this ult, especially down corridors or through chokepoints. The insanely long stacking slow this ability can lay out on enemy heroes can turn a teamfight from a potential wipe of your own team to a wipe of your opponent’s. I have seen several game-winning teamfights decided almost single-handedly by this ult.

As much as I hate how much power is loaded into his ults, I can understand why they have to be so strong. Without them, Murky would be useless for anything more than splitpushing behind the enemy team’s back.
Just because I understand that doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.


This is another trap thread.


Really, not a single reason?

No reason to ever zone control an objective?

No reason to just pick it if you know you’re going to get instantly melted every time you Octograb?

March of the Murlocs is far from a trap heroic and it has its uses for zone control. You can also be the deciding factor in a team fight whether or not the entire enemy team gets wiped out.

Yes, Octograb will allow you to isolate a single target for your teammates to just completely dominate, but there’s a ton of team fighting potential with March of the Murlocs.


Murky is a trap heroe, 8 seg revive cd, egg reveal map and insane push, nerf the murloc pls. :+1:

One day you may face people who pick cleanse and/or focus fire you so fast during octo grab that it will have minimal to zero impact.
Level 10 march will have full effect after it’s cast even if you get one shot afterwards, it is a massive zoning tool that also damages buildings.

Murky is a terror because of the insane power of some of his late game talents put together, he doesn’t even need his ults to be menacing.


I’ve seen Murky split a team with March of the Murlocs at an obj, we killed the half closest to us, cleaned up the other half and finished the obj.

I’ve seen teams held off by it so we could finish the obj without intererence.

And finally, I’ve seen teams nailed/weakened with it and we just mopped them up.

Idk, seems solid to me.

It doesn’t surprise me that people believe it’s a trap talent considering how many murkies you see using March of the Murloc as a siege damage skill. (Before level 20 upgrade).

It boggles the mind.


March, when used properly, is one of the strongest area denial ults in the game. AOE slow, wide area, lasts several seconds.

A tip I picked up: on a map like, say, Cursed Hallow where the top-middle tribute spawns, if you sneak behind the enemy and drop it, it makes it difficult for them to retreat and then you can go to town on the squishies.

It has its uses even though when used properly Octo-Grab can iso and be a free kill. Just have to be able to capitalize.

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As long as enemy has extremely low damage and no cleanse Octo is awesome. If that’s not the case it’s roughly 0,5-1s stun on 50s CD…

March of the murlocs rock!!
Endless stream of murlocs just destroying any and all towers/forts/minions

Plus, who doesnt like murlocs?

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If enemy team has some Butcher or other diver especially if thou have some ssqushes when 100 % Octopus.

this one time on towers of doom…
i was murky!

my team was fighting the enemy for the boss. everyone except their samuro dies. then i walk up and im just hiding in the bush since i wasnt part of the main fight.

so samuro is soloing…
the boss is getting low…
i am imaging by this point the enemy is cheering for samuro for being awesome.

…and then.
i march of the murlocs the whole area. throw down a puffer on him and slime him quickly. he is kinda low himself obviously. and he starts spinning around trying to kill me with my low murky health. so i bubble. i come out of bubble and destroy him.

this was also before murky rework. the one where taking fish tank meant you could literally walk up to someone and tank someone like samuro because armor instead of healing. so i kill him and cap the boss.

we win. the boss was all we needed to end the game and murky became a hero of the storm.

i agree. i was playing murky one time where i picked him against a butcher pick. everyone thought i was insane. you know though… i died 0 times that game. it was hilarious. one of only a few times the team has said i was a murky god. :laughing:

i just kept octo puffering and sliming things. butcher couldnt get his stacks and other heroes couldnt dive in either with me around. murky can literally protect the back line like that.

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Well Its only for one and if murky is stunned or silenced or dies or someone sneezes on him it ends. If your teammates don’t repond Its not that good. Murlocs is a zoning and cc tool that does damage over an area.

Honestly on infernal shrines do you want murlocs or Octograb ??
Towers of doom Octograb or murlocs ???

Except for the fact that March is really fun. Sometimes insane zone control is better than single target cc, especially in uncoordinated games when your team likely wont follow up. Before level 20, all you can really do with octograb on your own guarantee a single puffer fish hit, which is good but nothing to write home about. Also, the level 20 for March can be so fun and destructive to the enemy team.

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Against a high damage comp (notably ones with more than one assassin) then the chance Murky will live long enough to keep the enemy stunned for a lethal amount of time is very low.

March continues to cast even when you’re dead, and turns anyone hit into easy pickings for your team if they didn’t drop everything and RUN.

March of the murlocs is not a trap, junkrat’s E definately is.

Change my mind.