Malthael hero issues

No, this is not a topic where I complain that Malthael is OP, or that he needs major help. According to heroesprofile, he’s at 49.5% WR at diamond and Master. And about 50% overall. Not perfect stats but not horrible either. (His popularity though it not in a good spot)

However, there are some things that I wish were adjusted on him. Because a lot of things about Malthael produce “feel bad” moments, which any game should avoid.

1. First, Malth has a lot of mana tension. It’s not a bad thing in a vacuum. I understand they want to keep him legit in the solo lane, and they won’t want a hero with infinite sustain. There are two things about it however that I don’t know if they are intentional or not. 1. This makes Malthael a pain to play if you’re in the solo lane without “Die Alone”. And no talent should be mandatory.

The second issue, which bothers me more, is that you can become useless in a team fight if you run out of mana. You can’t just walk up to enemies to auto attack and apply your trait. And I’ve a few times had to look at an enemy that would die to Last Rites, unable to do anything because I don’t have the 100 mana. This never happens to me on any other hero. And it always feel s bad.

Now, I’m not saying high mana heroes are bad. But they usually have that drawback in exchange for another advantage (Like Garrosh who can set up a kill with one button). Malthael, doesn’t like long fights. But he’s not a hero who bursts people down and creates fast fights. So the amount of mana he burns feels overkill, since he has no way to create the situations he thrives in to make up for it.

2. Malthael’s siege damage.

If you leave Malthael alone in lane in the same amount of time that other bruisers would destroy a gate or tower, nothing will happen. The damage you deal when hitting structures is often meaningless. Malthael has to count on the minions to deal structure damage for him. This means that if the enemy has decent wave clear, they can shut you down completely by just killing the minions. The structure changes have unfortunately made this worse. Since the defender can just move close to their minions so that your cleave hits them, and you have to leave when the fort / keep targets you. You can’t hit the structure to avoid this because your siege damage is pitiful.

Malthael doesn’t clear waves that fast from AA. He can speed it up by spamming Q, but then he runs out of mana. And most heroes with decent wave clear will kill your minions just as fast, without butchering their mana bar.

When you’re Malthael, and you’ve cleared a wave, and there’s no merc camp to take. You have to just do nothing most of the time. This feels really bad. There are a lot of un-fun moments like this for the hero, so I hope the devs can try and make playing him a bit more dynamic. He is not a very popular pick, and I think that has a lot to do with it.

I think he could use higher base damage on minions mercs and structures. Doesn’t have to be a lot.


Rotate to your 4 man to make a winning 5v4 team fight. Spam ping your team that you’re coming.


Maybe, maybe not… Personally I don’t like Maltael in any comp, because he lacks cc for me and is more of a niche pick like Leoric. I prefer them against tanky comps. to get the value of them. But the problem is that he don’t brings cc to the team and so you need other heroes to fill the gap like Uther or other heroes.

But he feels op as assassine, when Ana gives him nanoboost, he can destroy a team single handly then. :smiley:


You can sometimes. But on point control like braxis, where Malthael would be picked. You can’t afford to rotate unless the enemy solo is dead. Unless you’re against Ragnaros or Dehaka. You’re not likely to get a kill or bully them out.

Ana does make you better, but only when you can pick TS. And it’s not a good place to be to be great only when one other specific hero is around. Ask Illidan. He’s had a thousand years of unpopularity.

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Well the angel of death and demon hunter shares the same problem dealing great damage and be mobile, but they are melee without cc.

Valla and Imperius are just better. :joy: Except against DW I would always choose Maltael over any other %-dmg hero. I love pressing my R on DW after some hits and he is the only one I fear as DW, ofc.

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First let me say masters fear a good malthael

He has the best macro in the game besides aba and vikings (and maybe xul)
Unlike xul he has teamfight potential
He provides a lot of pressure during teamfights regardless of his talents and is quite tanky when you can stack good. His dmg in teamfights is amazing

Mana is just getting the regens and learn to not spam E/ Q during most waveclearing

If you cannot do much and there is nothing to flank. You will need to learn to deny the other hero exp


Actually I do pretty well against DW as Leoric.

I don’t use E for wave clear. And I only Q if I need to. But I will still horribly lose the lane against a Sonya for example. I have to just watch her get more value. She will never run out of sustain, and she actually threatens the structures.

Though I have a good win rate with him. But I can’t imagine he is valued more among masters with an 8% popularity.

And damn right it shouldn’t.

Malthael is fine , something that has that much % damage , an excecute and a cleave AA is quite generous already.
Let the other heroes have an edge over him in lane.

I think you got them swapped there, buddy.

I think you’re thinking of their pre-rework states.

He isn’t that powerful. Otherwise he’d be picked more. I only remember facing him twice last season. Usually the only Malthael in my games is me.

Malthael is a melee hero so this is a pick malus right there.
Then malthael is a hero who needs to dodge things so you filters people who are bad at juking.
If he still was a mongo hero any idiot could play like release he would be popular.
Look at yrel people were saying left and right she got gutted and she was a good hero played properly.
Just means we just were not using her properly and had to l2p.

8% out of 80+ heroes is huge. You know that right


Why is that anyway? Iirc he doesn’t have big spell damage spells like Ming or Kael?

All his abilitys are aoe with dmg over time (trait).

But isn’t his trait percent damage over time? I thought percent damage can’t be modified

His trait might be not, but he still has all other abilitys, which deals aoe magic damage. Especially his ult (not Last rites).

Nanoboosted W build with tormented souls is no joke.
It is not something i see a lot but it can be devastating

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It boosts his Q and reduces it’s Cooldown, which means (especially with the lvl 16 talent) he can cast it almost permanently. It also increases the damage done and the healing received for Malth, which means you end up with a big unkillable AoE killing machine, which is only vunerable to CC.


I would like to add that with Maltael and Ana, you might skip assassines or get only one with cc and build your team around cc, because he already is enough to wreck a team and he just need cc support to stop enemys to cc him. Mei and ETC works great with Maltael.