Maiev still buggy... 8 months later

Why, has Fan of Knives resets, and Umbral Bind’s attack bugs, not been fixed? I continuously bumped a thread on this on the old forums, so now I have to make a new one.

Fan of Knives:
-Won’t always reset on 2-4 targets hit; includes not giving credit for Pin Down on 3 heroes/full completion on 4 heroes.

Umbral Bind:
-Sometimes resets attack/targeting commands
-Reduces(?) Maiev’s attack range, requiring her to get even close to her target
-Doesn’t function properly with Attack-Move commands (though these might be bugged independently)
-Clicking a minion near a hero always defaults to the hero for targeting, regardless if they’re clearly not under your cursor

Nothing is greater than missing out on kills and catches because Umbral Bind doesn’t want to hit anyone, and Attack-Move commands–which were once the best option for attacking the nearest target/hero faster–won’t register with Umbral Bind’s upcoming triggering attack. Doubly bad is that Fan of Knives won’t reset at all half of the time, so combining these two problems breaks her.

This is still applicable in 2020. Over the course of the last month I have been practicing with Maiev. Multiple times I have dived using E in to a team, the Umbral bind does not attach, and even though I swiped Q and hit multiple enemies still does not register to a shorter cooldown. though this happens maybe 1 in 5, this is still an issue. PLEASE fix this problem.

[Edited by Blizzard] This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. The technical support forums are intended for technical issues to be resolved through troubleshooting. The developers do not often check the technical support forums. With the issues for Maiev, it would be more appropriate to report this over to #bug-report forums for issues that may require a developer’s fix. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.