Looking for teammates for Storm league

So my brother and I are really good healing players (like we always get main healer) but we always lack people who know how to play their heroes very well and focus on the map requiring and priotising them over hero kills. Like seriously if you like just hunting heroes, dont respond to this thread.
This is the idea i have for a perfect team, and good tank that has hero support capalities like tyreal, a specialist hero player like nova players or hammer …etc… then 2 others who can player the so called OP heroes very well like azmodam, imperius , etc. We also wanna discuss good hero compositions… as in heroes that have abilites that synergies with others like zarya and orphea, hammer and uther…you get the picture.
We play from 12:00 gmt to about 21:00 but its fexible not not always continuously
Send your tag below and i will invite you as we head into the nexus!

Hi I am knowledgable player suffering from Bronze league, I know how to play my class, I know the macro, yet I am struggling to move anywhere. Same stories as you may know of if you have ever experienced going into Bronze… would love to play my way out with an experienced team lf wins. IamTheBody#2826


I changed my nickname to Clipper after I stopped playing greymane. but it shows both tags here in the forum, try CLIPPER first,

And yes, Bronze is a forever curse.

I play Li Ming mostly. Seems like we can have a good coordination and excel in ranked. what rank are u brothers at?

gold 1 and gold 2 players are interested in playing with you guys! just add me kzic#1194

former Gold 2 player healer main but can flex too CuraCarmine#1755