Looking for ranked players

Good morning everyone!
Me and my friend play hereos of the storm like it’s some sort of religion. We both love the game a ton, like an unhealthy amount. We are also big fans of ranked but we do play QM here and there. Lately we’ve been getting really really bad team mates. I wont go into that or the post will be pages long. Anyways, were both decent players, we understand the game and know how to play and make a comp. He likes mostly assassins and I mostly do warriors, but I also can do support and assassins too. Were both silver (I think he actually got booted to bronze), I wouldve been gold but we just kept getting bad game after bad game. But I’d like to get a group going, we want to climb in ranks because I know we can if we get a cooperative group. We have mics too
Understand too that we wont win every match and I hope no one expect to, we will lose. But I’m hoping to get a group of people that want to kick some butt.

I’ve been mostly solo’ing my way through Bronze and silver with Alarak just because. I’m a long time player who never played ranked until it came time to do 10 games to get a reward. That got me placed in Bronze 3 and in about 50 games I’ve moved up to silver 3. I think I have around a 60% win rate all tolled and somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 and 15 with Alarak. I’d be willing to try you guys out as teammates. Yendor#11165

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looking for some people to play TL with

Brongboy#1813 same here… Was silver got booted to bronze; bad “team” after bad “team”… I can play any role but I prefer assassins or bruisers or tanks that can put out damage eg. Blaze

It would be nice to have a group of chill people to climb with. I’m currently gold 5 and mostly play supports or ranged assassins.


Alarak literally carried me from bronze in twelve winnings games. Keep the yo blade hand strong hahaha.

Hey looking for a team too, I will literally play with anyone who doesn’t solo-lane the entire game. Lane handling is important, but your team is first and foremost the biggest asset in each game.
Hmu @ Progenitor#11949