Li-ming should be nerfed or removed

And again, under your logic no hero would get nerfs

I dislike how prominent she is in the game. In pretty much every QM game. Less prominent in draft, but still has a presence.

I’m just tired of seeing her face.

she’s a well designed and fun hero :expressionless:

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Maybe its becasue here entire kit is based on getting resets with her trait by playing agressive with her team. A team that cant kill will make her useless but i guess you did not know that.

The only time I think Ming is op is in ARAM and it’s not because of Orb build (though Orbs are very strong in ARAM). It’s Archon mode.

Once that talent is taken at 20, in ARAM she can’t be approached as there’s next to no room for flanking and it’s pretty op. Last time I got her in ARAM at 20, I’d open with an Orb, teleport in, pop archon and go HAM. By time the enemy team was in a position to do anything about it, 2-3 heroes were at half health and my teleport+medallion is up for an escape…so what does the enemy team do? They try to play safe but Incinerate’s range makes that a losing proposition since Incinerate has no cooldown at 20; you retreat to regroup, she advances with the team so if you dive her, she escapes and you get collapsed on.

But for any other mode, not that big of a deal. Even the teleport build, while good, isn’t amazing. She’s just a solid well balanced mage…in everything but ARAM which breaks her at 20.

This is the right topic for you:

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She has barely 50% in highest MMR as someone posted.

Overperforming heroes should be nerfed. Not heroes someone lost to and arbitrarily feels are OP.

I thought that is common logic.

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To be fair, win rate isn’t a great metric to use in a team game. But yeah, Ming isn’t the kind of hero that ends up at 50% or under while over performing. That’s more a Medivh thing lol. Only indirect heroes can end up in that position as over performing via damage typically results in a win.

Hots players and devs have a really high bar for what’s “op”. They like to label things as strong/weak but don’t need nerfs/buffs

Mei is the highest winrate tank with high popularity?
Tooton: Nerf!
Everyone else on the forum/devs: nahhhh she just strong, not OP. Anything below 60% winrate is fine.
Tooton: insert :roll_eyes: face here

Tooton: anduin is one of the lowest winrate healers. Buff
Everyone else: nahhh you must be playing him wrong. He doesn’t need buffs because his winrate wasn’t that bad.
Tooton: his ults suck
Everyone else: nahhh you just bad

At least the devs buffed anduin and validated my belief anduin was weak. Too bad the devs and I disagreed on meis power

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Genji comes to mind (way under 50% in public matches, over 50% in master) that got nerfed even while at 44-46% in public.
But they overdid the nerfs, now he isn’t 50% even in Master in the last couple patches.

So they have very advanced metrics which they nerf heroes upon, apparently by their performance at the top level.

(Current Genji in Master & Diamond in the last five patches: 46.63%, dead last)


Nailed it, if a hero is over performing, generally, Blizzard has better metrics than win rate to determine if they’re an issue internally.

Which is sort of why I raise an eyebrow to their approach with Medivh, he’s every bit as op as the old Genji/Tracer, etc, etc but due to his high skill floor and his team having to actually use his portals, he’s prone to his team literally throwing the game by not cooperating with the Medivh.

So if Blizzard knew that, for example, old Genji was so obnoxious that he needed a nerf despite being below 50% WR, then why leave Medivh alone?

Is it because Medivh is much harder to use but if that’s the case then isn’t Blizzard catering to lower levels?

Just a musing, take it or leave it as a half baked thought lol.

At least the best Genji in the world can get a ton of value alone - but a Medivh whose team ignores Portals or fails to take advantage of perfectly timed Force of Wills is just dead weight even if the player is GM#1.

Medivh is incredibly powerful as a hero, but so painfully dependent on good allies he isn’t a hero to “carry” bad players with.

He also has horrible wave clear (not counting Tirisfal at 20), no camp taking, no macro game at all. It would be so irritating to finish a bronze->GM climb using him only.

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Oh my God, tell me about it lol.

A Medivh who’s team doesn’t work with him is worse than a Nova who decides solo laning all game and then proceeds to blame the team for not enabling them to get kills (I have a special, dark place in my heart for bad Nova players, lol).

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Well thats what he is. He is like Aba. Way too much team depended to win games.
If you have 4 people that never use his portals currectly then he is as usless as a some afk farming Nova that refuse to TF.

Same goes to Aba. If he have no one to enable with his hat then what does he bring but forcing his team to lose every teamfight while he sits behind a fort trying to back push a lane that gets rect by Azmodan.


Don’t you dare to diss solo lane Nova. Did that in QM once, outsoaked and outsieged our Azmo and Naz combined. Probably not the most effective strat but if your team somehow manages to dodge every minion and structure what are you going to do? I can however see why some people might find Ming oppressive.


Dive, CC, dodging. Pretty easy to do as well.

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Only her issue is her trait.
Because of that, it’s impossible to balance her properly.

She either does nothing, or then gets a kill and evaporates the whole enemy team.

There is usually nothing in between…

Hahaha, well, if you can make it work good on you but 9/10 a solo lane Nova is going to throw harder than a 16 year old with a fake id in a bar bathroom.

oh yeah? an unbalanced, overpowered character who only has a meh winrate in master and isn’t even considered top 5 dps, is a very bad mage due to her unstable damage output, weak wave clear, squishy af, no aoe, needs a nerf?

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