LF high gold or low plat team

I can play any role, but pref assassin. im also a good target caller/leader(I think) LF team that wants to push from gold into plat or higher by the end of season

Add me Tyk7#1390. Gold 2 in TL (used to be the same in HL). I think we’ll need a decent group if we want to climb up once the new ranked system is live. I play on NA server EST

Hey looking for a team, if still in search of players add me. NightRaven#139908

same here add me too :smiley: Melllow#2186


low gold but looking to improve and for a team to play with


I’m currently mid gold but I would like to have a consistent team and improve with. I mostly play support or ranged assassins.


Spartanhija#1489 I’m down I got a few regulars too

Red#1124, also LFG, main support but fairly flexible.