Less rank points


Before end season i was getting sometimes on any rank metal less points than normal…50-70… i finished the season as bronze 5…

I played my first 3 games on new season… i won all of them 3/3andset me on bronze 5 again… so doesn’t matter thati won 3/3? this is first question…

After the 3 games it was giving me 66 rank points per win…

I won over 10 times and still i was giving me 66 rp and after so much wins now i am bronze 4 and it giving me normal rp…

Why happening that with points?

Broken ranked system as you ranked lower than the games lowest rank. The game is treating you as if you were bronze 8 and thus you gotta win like 50 in a row to be able to climb into a bracket that allows you to be treated teh same as bronze 5.

its a very poor and broken system but blizzard fails to address this issue so all i can say is I am sorry to hear you were unlucky enough to fall into blizzards trap.

The placement games are worth exactly the same as any game you play after. It’s just 3 games. The only difference is you don’t see the rank before you finish them, but it changes just the same.

You start a new season exactly where you ended the last one. There are no resets, soft resets or depreciation.

If you’re getting less than 200, that just means your true mmr (that has no lower limit and can decrease as much as you lose) is lower than bronze5 average. You start getting 200 again when you get back from the “wood league”.