Leaver Status from Sky Temple Kernel Panic

Just to clarify, I rarely leave a game; even if we had 4v5 or even 3v5, I usually sticked around. So this leaver status seems to be coming from Sky Temple kernel panics. My apologies if you happened to be in the game. I only play on QM, so hopefully no one is having rank issues or anything.

I won’t object to the leaver status itself. After all, I could’ve still chosen not to play till Blizzard finally fix the issue. But I do want to point out that this is completely out of Mac users’ control. There is no way to tell what map you will get for the next game, and once the match starts your clock is ticking. If you restart the game after the kernel panic, your only option is to rejoin the match, effectively putting you in a limbo state.

I’ve made a similar request in the other thread, but this can be easily remedied if Blizzard would have Sky Temple load only on Medium or lower Shaders for Mac clients. Also if this remedy isn’t actually working, (as in, it will only delay the inevitable) I don’t understand why Blizzard hasn’t simply pulled the map. I understand the real fix may take awhile, but until then some band-aid solutions will be more than helpful for players who are affected by this.

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also Kernel Panic with Sky Temple map is serious trouble for hard drive and MacOS files too! Every restart my iMac try to reindex file system. This bug is serious trouble!

I’m having the same issue with Sky Temple on latest patch (