Leader unable to 'Ready Up'

We have a small group of friends that play together, and recently we’ve been having a lot of problems with the leader of the party not being able to click Ready. There were three of us tonight trying to get around this, but it didn’t matter who was leader, how many times we restarted the client or battle.net, or who invited who. The leader clicks Ready and it gives you an error and won’t let you try again for a few moments. This is in Quick Match and Aram. As soon as one of us leaves and it’s just two people, it works just fine.

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This happens to me and my friends every once and awhile, it’s very frustrating. Typically having everyone logout in-game (not in battle.net) works, but not always.

Usually happens when one or more players unready in the brief time that a match was found but before all players started the countdown sequence. Common cause is due to the asynchronous nature of the client and the server allowing both a game found packet towards the client and a cancel ready packet towards the server to be in flight in the internet at the same time. Server sees and accepts this unready packet, cancelling the match launch, but the clients probably then bug out due to receiving the match found packet that does not make sense.

Solution is usually for affected people to restart HotS.

None of us were clicking to unready ourselves.

It’s an instant unready for the party leader. You click Ready, and it instantly unreadies you and throws an error.

As I said in the original post, we all tried restarting the client, restarting Bnet, joining as different leaders, leaving group, etc. The issue replicates itself perfectly every time. Only after two of them played an ARAM did it allow three of us to queue.

I understand you’re trying to help, but read the original post first.

The launcher issue has been going on for months.

Update, update, update. To fix the problem above, I usually have to force an update by adding a language pack, then deleting it in a cycle.

But yeah, this issue with the leader is rather new, but it’s still the same common thread. The HotS launcher is a hot mess. I’m about finished with it.

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