Lady Vashj, Sea Witch of Outland

Ranged support, provides healing and protection to nearby heroes.


  • Buffer
  • CC
  • Rapid Mana Regeneration
  • Burst Damage


  • Slow Moving
  • Prone to stuns and silences

Basic abilities:

  • Forked Lightning (Q): Casts a cone of lightning dealing damage within a vicinity of groups of enemies.
  • Mana Shield (W): Casts a shield to absorb incoming damage at a cost of her mana.
  • Healing Tide (E): Lady Vashj creates a tide pool that heals heroes when walked into it.
  • Cold Arrows (D): Lady Vashj fires a Cold Arrow that damages and slows down the attack speed of heroes, creeps and forts.

Heroic Abilities:

  • Tornado (R1): Lady Vashj creates and commands a tornado that damages and slows down enemies that may caught in it.
  • Tsunami Arrow (R2): Lady Vashj fires an arrow that damages and stuns enemies in a tidal wave formation.

As a loyal servant to Queen Aszhara, Lady Vashj leads the Blood Elf Prince Kael’thas and the Naga to Outland to create the new Legion and serves as a right-hand servant to Illidan Stormrage.

Very nice concept. It’s nice to see that supports are very popular in the hero suggestion forums. However isn’t she more fitted to be a healer given that she can heal? Idk how different supports must be from healers though so yeah. She could be a pseudo replacement for Tassadar’s old shields.

I’d like to throw in a suggestion, maybe have her have a Mana return mechanic because I imagine she’ll be burning through her Mana reserves pretty fast. Maybe instead of just plain giving her rapid Mana Regen, give her a unique way of getting Mana back (e.g. damage heroes, heal allies, channeling etc etc)

Lady Vash? YES! One of my most anticipated WC heroes!

But I honestly don’t see her as a support. More like a carry similar to her dota2 counterpart.

Abilities: manashield, Splitter-Shot, poison arrows, lightning. just a mix of her WC3 kit and her dota2 kit.

But she has to be added!