Keeping Trust Level 3 Privileges

Thank you!

Which is why I suggested the “get 25 likes on a post, keep T3 forever” solution. People like me who don’t post/read often but like to make large, high-quality posts would be better served by that system, as then we could be measured by the quality of what we do rather than the quantity of time spent on the forums.

The 25 likes are easy to get by just responding to one of the developers or just a dev made thread, some of these can go as much from poor to mediocre quality, is it a good idea? Yes, can it be executed properly without being abused? Maybe…

Limit it to threads created by the TL3 user, then. Alternately, increase the cap; 25 is just an arbitrary number that I chose for the sake of example and it could just as easily be 50.

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I can go down for 40 or 50, but tbf while this forum feels small it still can achieve 25 likes in common (but not rare) rates.

Trust level 3 is way to hard to get. No one and i mean NO ONE actually READS the amount of posts that are required. Even the people who have it basically had to cheat the system by mindlessly scrolling threads to get it. If cheating the system is the only way to get it, it needs to be adjusted.

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(i didn’t want to suggest 40 because my most popular thread has exactly 40 and i didn’t want to come off as self-serving :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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We’d actually get it without “cheatimg” but we wanted it quicker.
And Sami iirc get it completely naturally, lol :smiley:

Actually, mine came by reading, which is the main reason I didn’t have Trust Level 3 the first two weeks it was available. I work a night shift, which is usually fairly quiet, so have time to read everything that interests me.

And a few threads that don’t.

Yeah… 75% of all posts read before getting it were natural, the other 25% weren’t.

Which is what the Overwatch dwellers did once they all figured it out, the Mercy Mega thread that has 40k posts were the farming zone for it.

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Gonna be honest - I got tired of doing things fairly about 1k posts in for my first TL3. Everything else was, as you said, mindless scrolling.

Which is a great indicator of a broken system.

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<.< >,>
:secret: :shushing_face:

With a requirement of 20k posts. it means you have to read 200 posts per day. Which is a lot when you are also reading long posts.

But considering that there are plenty of threads that reach 30 posts, reading 7 of those is enough each day. Quickly scanning and scrolling through those can make up quite a lot of you posts read.

And this allows you to reach that post count within 10 minutes while still actively reading the thread (scanning a thread can easily be done in 1.5minutes, and 7 threads would mean 10.5minutes).

I would agree that the number is anoying to maintain, but its there for a reason (to avoid spam). And i was surprised that i did manage to reach it myself as im not that active.

I’m not going to read 20 thousand random posts just to be able to post links, and if you take a break from the forums you have to do this all over again.

It’s a pointless criteria. Someone with enough energy or interest could probably automate this and do it with a bot, in no way does it mean the user is less likely to spam, quite the opposite.

Trust level should be achieved by account age, post count (1000+?) and maybe likes received. So what if one in a hundred level 3’s abuse their privileges? Once they get banned it’s not like they can just instantly jump back to spamming, since creating a new account at that trust would take months.

I’d also be down with just altering the requirements for Trust Level 3 to be less demanding, yeah.

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Except for some its significantly easier to lurk on the forums instead of posting. I say have something like that as an alternative requirement

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