It's impossibe to... (continue the sentence)

Exactly, i feel like i have to use it often as a “I know better, please don’t argue” x)
Though i feel like a douche afterwards, but who cares.
If everyone listened to masters, then everyone would overall become better players.

It’s impossible to keep someone alive with Divine Shield because they keep going in anyways.

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It is impossible to win, when you lose.

It is impossible to take a merc camp, when it’s already been taken.

It is impossible to kick butt AND chew bubble gum.

It is impossible to have your fresh meat and eat it too.

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It’s impossible to get someone kicked out from the game for trolling you just need to endure it and … meet them again in the next game all over again…

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Its impossible to not feel bad when you missed 3 shots in a row as ana


Or as Nova.


At least nova is stealthy and no one can see it

But Ana shoots from more far away distance with her D.

Your teammates will know…

Where is my healing?! Reported!
© Average teammate

And well deserved. No aim ana main

get the damn bottom fort back in towers of doom.

(Ok it’s possible, but sometime sooo hard)

It’s impossible to get your team mates not to fight a battle they can’t win.

Its impossible for Tychus to become Murky.

Its impossible to not stay out of silver hell if you don’t pick meme heroes.


Actually, you know what’s really impossible? Murky’s diaper. It’s obviously never been changed, hence the reason he’s able to poop slime all the time .

I can only surmise that it must be impossible to remove Murky’s diaper and I can only imagine the type of diaper rash under there…

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