Is Xul Q Build viable

Is Xul’s Q build good? I mean most people say Cursed Strike build is the best build for Xul, I just want to experiment something different, summoning 3 scythes(after getting that talent)that fly back to you sounds really cool.

It is good in the sense that it is not suicidal in some comps against some comps. However it is the same sort of good as Malthael wave or Ragnaros meteor build. It can be used to do something safely in an impossible situation but in such situations one is usually better off picking another hero if possible.


If you’re plat/below yes and in any non rank gameplay. Would be shocked if its not in diamond/master bc they run some crazy stuff occasionally

Tldr maybe not the optimal build but if you play to its strengths its doable/effective in most games… especially vs double support

I play it all the time and i ofc take the healing reduction on lvl 20 to make it even more fun vs healers.

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In terms of waveclear, I use Q most of the time because it’s easy on Mana early game and turns into amazing waveclear past 13. The key difference between a good player using Q build and one that just picked it up is the ability to alter the path at which the scythe flies back to you by microing your position.

No, Xul is not good. By extension Xul Q build is not good either :grin:


No, Zeratul is not good. By extension Zeratul Q build is not good either :grin:

If you pick xul you pick him foremost to clear waves quickly and W build is the one that ensures it the most

Q build is fun with a viable team. When you get scythe quest done along with talent 13 pick, the CD is so short that you’d be spamming scythes every 2 seconds.

The first time I tried a full Q-build was when the enemy team unexpectedly hard-countered my intended bruiser/tank build.
We ended up steamrolling them that game, which I did not expect at all.

There is something viscerally satisfying about constantly raking the battlegrounds with scythes

its really strong :slight_smile:
if you go all in on it you have a really low CD ,quite a fair bit of damage,
a ton of waveclear, and the enemy has -75% healing for most of the time!
(the debuff lasts 4 seconds and the CD of (talented) scythe is 5 seconds.)
(plus the two additional scythes spawned 1.5 seconds after the first can reapply the debuff!)

its became my my go-to Xul build

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Main issue with the build is that the scythes can be avoided by a lot of heroes. Not only do they have long warning times, but they travel slowly and do not even have that good of a casting range. Heroes like Jaina and Kael can operate against Xul with impunity since they can dodge the scythes and then unload their abilities towards him between cooldowns.

This again supports my original use case of it being a safe build to operate in situations where Xul in melee range would be suicide. For example if the entire enemy team is melee the Scythe build is extremely powerful as you will be landing them a lot. If the entire enemy team is hyper mobile or long range it is as good as useless as outside of combos you will not be landing any.

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