Is it me or is Blizzard actively discouraging split pushing?

D1 player here at 54% winrate.

I have a feeling Blizzard is trying to discourage split pushing and force the game into a position where you basically have 4 players rotating all the time and 1 being solo, and leaving no space for anything else, trying to force teamfights to happen all the time.

We had champions that had different roles, like the old sylvanas that was a great split pusher, things like xul that could hold 2 lanes, azmodan that could help create pushing situations and use the minion ult to solo forts rapidly, abathur, murky… So many champions were good for split pushing.
With the globes thing this ends, because you want to make sure you get those precious globes or else you fall behind and lose, since exp is everything in hots. That means rotating as 4 to make sure you can get them. Which means you would leave things like murky and aba solo? They wouldn’t be viable. Asmo? Too much range, you can’t go get the globes because people rotate all the time, and solo he’s inferior to too many heroes.
It also makes heroes like nova and butcher obsolete/super risky, because ganking isn’t really an option if you need to focus on securing globes so much, and it will enforce snowbally situations (which are absolutely fatal to some characters if they get behind in the match)
Basically, they are killing any split push based heroes more and more, they deleted things like hammer’s R that could attack buildings for instance, anything that can lead to split push is slowly being destroyed, or so I feel. What are your thoughts on the subject? Are they making it more and more complicated to split push?
I really feel that this 4 man rotation thing being the only viable option is limiting the depth of the game, it’s basically becoming a “play teamfight orientated stuff or don’t play”.

From my experience most of the split pushers I have played with or even against do a ton of feeding in the game. They will over extend and do nothing but push that one lane then players will come gank them and kill them right before objectives and control them all game cause your team is almost always 4v5.

I personally want to see less split pushing, why solo all game in a game that is designed to be a team game ya know?

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If you watch any master / GM storm league matches this is all you see because its so effective. in lower ranks split pushing wins games, but at the higher levels they split push by going to 2 lanes back and forth as a grp of 4.

Exactly, it’s forcing the game into a very specific spot with no alternative play ever. I feel it kindof sad that almost every single game played is just a copy of the last with no other types of gameplay.

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It might appear that way, but its still split pushing, but in a different way. Not saying its wrong or right. Its also the community finally catching up to how things are done in Higher Ranks. It just took a long time.

Lol honestly, I often play with diamond and master ranks, even when you pick a xul and specify you’ll be holding 2 lanes and so on, they still don’t get it, and for the rotation thing it’s still very chaotic. You always have that one guy who doesn’t get it and just randomly goes to places. x)

I get it, that one guy who seems to be oblivious, but the only way you can try to get them to get it is to tell them in chat at the beginning of the match. Even tho its not guaranteed to work.

I just feel that what made hots rich is how diverse the gameplay was, depending on maps, on characters, you could go for objectives, or not and push with a sylvanas or nazeebo with gargantuan, you could go for a stall on some maps while you had something like azmo pushing elsewhere, or murky even, you could have stuff like rexxar or illidan doing sneaky bosses and mercs, now it just feels like you can’t because it’s perma 4v4 and since the damage is so high (starting to feel like a lol clone honestly) anyone missing is a huge deal. It’s getting boring, and less diverse. What made hots was the wierd gimmicks, stuff like chogall, murky, abathur, deathwing, the old sylvanas, wierd little things that made the game have depth and demarcation. They are slowly turning it into just another random moba. What a waste.

Thing is is you can still do all that stuff even if the other team is roaming as 4. All you have to do is safe soak a lane. Watch where they are on mini map. If you dont see them on mini map back up to your gates. It will do a couple of things. 1. Your team will gain way more XP. 2. It will force them to split up and play your game.

Precisely, but for info, I do that, and was reported in ranked for it many times to the point I got a silence because I tried to explain that if I was split pushing, and their team had someone to stop me, it meant the TF was 4v4 so not my fault if it was lost. I appealed the sanction and it was lifted, but it does give an insight on how much split pushing is misunderstood. Same thing, we play on the map of the plants, both teams are 0/3. I decide not to join a TF and take a fort, my team all die but they still manage to blame me and insult me despite it just being a 0/3 and me getting a fort as a trade. Other example, we play another map and DO lose the event and one fort because of it. And meanwhile I take a fort somewhere else. Doesn’t that compensate and make us even? Usually the argument I get is “if you were with us we would win and have the event and a fort, not losing one”. But often that is not true, some characters aren’t great in fights, Illidan for instance early on is not exactly a power house. (community opinion here Illidan is the worst hero in game - #65 by Zap-2985 ) so what should I do, brainlessly join a fight where I can’t make a big difference, or keep one of their players away and split push to gain exp advantage or compensate?
But as I said, split pushing is quite discouraged by blizzard more and more. I’m betting soon we will have a few reworks of heroes, all of them catored towards team fights