Is demonic invasion upgrade the worst 20 in the game?

Considering u have taken all opponents structures, is demonic invasion upgrade the only lvl 20 talent in the game that does absolutely nothing? What happened to when the things used to explode on death? That’s what I call a dework…

His suicide build was too good so they nerfed Azmo to make him less annoying to play againts.

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Surely thats not the worst. Imo Ariel’s flight thing is way less useful.


The core is a structure, so unless you’ve managed to already win the game, it is not an upgrade that ‘does nothing’. Otherwise, reading tooltips might be your friend.

The aoe explosion on death was made baseline and it deals damage (normal) to heroes.


I see your flight and I raise you:

Blaze’s 20 version of Time to Krill


I don’t even know why that talent exists.

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Properly to give her some semi global/escape. It should have been baked in as a passive in my opinion. Put it on your nr 1 button and make it a passive spell you can use.

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But there’s never any reason why auriel would want to be away from her team. And if she’s the only survivor, you lose anyway.

I think they just didn’t know what other talent to give her.


Auriel has wings, so naturally they let her fly! Agree, it’s a really weird level 20 talent.


Every time I saw it used, it was as a troll.

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or you know… someone who liked hearing the unique noise it made when playing her blossom skin…

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That sounds like a very weird person.

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Yea true good point. It does not have good synergy with the rest of her kit. It works great for someone like falstad because it combos well with gust. Auriel not only is a healer so sucks at solo laning, but her healing also requires someone else to deal damage. Also, solo laners aren’t really necessary post 20.

That’s not true! I use it all the time. I pick it when im guaranteed a win so my win rate % for that talent is overinflated. I use it to fly over the core and into their hall right before victory.

Reflecting on my above example, I guess you’re right again…I am a troll.

It does? Okay now i need to test it.


That would be Stukov’s 20s

Yeah you can hear strumming of the Japanese instrument that isn’t a guitar but it look a little like a guitar, excuse my cultural ignorance

I AM a VERY weird person but your point still stands I’ve only picked it once and boy was bullied for it, I mean we won but that’s besides the point

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It would be better with something attached to it. I would consider moving it down to 13 or attaching to one one of her 16s that’s not Reservoir of Hope (or let her have it automatically at 16).

If it stays a 20 it should be way more powerful. Wind up faster, fly faster, and shorter cool down. On top of that it needs a passive element too like upon landing you heal allies around you or your Q now also heals for X percent of the damage dealt.


I just want to say I love this idea. Could she also cast a shock wave than stuns all nearby enemy heroes? Okay, I’ve gone too far.


You haven’t gone far enough. Allies heal for 100% of the damage done by the stun.