Infinite queue in ranked

I cant play any ranked games, because the queue is infinite. Quick play works just fine but if i launch ranked solo i dont get into any games even if i wait a day.


my record time was 143.000 second and after this search was resetted
quit from all chats, all friendlist goes offline at one moment, search canceled
40 hours of waitng for nothing
month ago
i try to seacrh some times, around 10.000 seconds, nothing changed
month is passed, and i still cant play ranked, other modes works well

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I have same problem. Can u Blizz resolve it please?

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We cant play Ranked, who cares?

Solution for this trouble: you need to find someone (in global chat for example) to play a couple of matches (nearly 5) in group. Your ally need to be completed qualification matches (it’s the main thing), then matches will be found. No matter if matches win/lose, no matter your allies rank, you can play with different allies. After that leave group and long/infinite queue will dissapear and matches will be found solo again. Good luck