Imperius ult not working

I was playing on sky temple and the enemy used self destruct. I decided to use to my ult to grab the baby but It grabbed the Mecha instead. It says I grabbed the ult but the ult didn’t move from its location at all

Consider that the Empty Mech (when the pilot ejects and activates self destruct) respects game mechanics such as the collision and exists as a targetable object, and can be a target of many abilities (probably possible for it to block damage skillshots)

Empty Mech is susceptible to abilities like Stitches’ friendly and offensive hook, both of the throw abilities from Garrosh, even Alarak’s offensive telekinesis.

Means that Imperius’ ult can also target the Empty Mech, it is probably not a bug, but if there is any bug, I’d like to hear how the situation played out, did the self destruct even explode if it triggered mid-air and deal damage or did it completely fizzle out?

As for moving the Empty Mech with the ult, the travel distance on the ability isn’t long enough for it to be moved out of a huge minion wave or objective to make any difference (considering you can’t go over terrain blockers either), so it doesn’t really matter if you cant move with it in this case.

But preventing the explosion by taking the Mech to the skies and saving your team would be a very smart and relatively acceptable use of game mechanics.

It took the mech but the explosion radius was still there and it didn’t move but It said I took it