Imagine getting punished being good at the game

In quick match
If your good you get the worst teammates

There is no valid way to track the MMR only by looking at ranks winrate and player level. Mostly determined by ranked (if they play it frequently)
Master Diamond players get put up with silver gold bronze.
Just to get the mmr in the sweet in between spot.

Why? Because they dont care about our wishes of longer queue times for closer MMR and more balanced matches.

So here is the message blizzard sending us. Dont quote me on it but they sure do send this message
*Be bad at the game(quick match) we will send people that will carry you. Be the worst possible player and you will get good teammates but dont get too good at the game unless you are in a 5 stack. If you get too good you will get the blizzard experience of the quickest and most horrible matchmaking we can give you l
Isnt that fun? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I could push my mmr higher on my mains, but that means I won’t have a good time on my lvl 15-40 heroes.
My normal games: Me and 4 gold vs 5 plat.
I’m used to it, but yeah.
Either I play with 65% win rate or 40%. Winning is fun and I play to have fun most of the time, so Maeiv goes on the bench. Learning postponed to 2026.


Welcome to a typical Bronze-gold match. Play at this level in any mode, and it’s pretty much the same across the board, just you won’t have a diamond+ player unless somebody is smurfing, which unfortunately is more often than it should be, which shouldn’t be a problem for you since you’re master tier anyways.

I can’t say I pity you cause I don’t. You play at the highest rank in SL, you should therefore, if we’re following a typical master ranked player logic, be able to carry them to victory not a problem, even if they’re inting, afk, or trolling (which is also often) because you are exceptionally good at the game. If you hate it, and you’re a top tier player, imagine the rest of us who aren’t even close to being as good as you. There are gold players who don’t even know what “soaking” is so they sit and play ARAM all day in a 3 lane map like Cursed Hollow, and no, I’m not exaggerating.

Nope, but that’s how bronze to gold is. Complete garbo. Play more QM and increase your QM MMR, and hopefully it’ll stop matching you with the low tier scum, otherwise you might as well just play SL.


It’s worse than that. I’m mostly in Plat, but sometimes in Diamond and often matched with Diamonds in SL and some players there will go for camps on Cursed Hollow when they get the tribute. They will also try for a boss even when the know the enemy is not just alive but have vision on them.

I’ve even had games with Plat/Diamond where they aren’t familiar with the basic concepts like rotating as 4 on Tomb on the Spider Queen. This once never happened in Plat/Dia, but I suspect allowing people to group 2 ranks apart has created quite a few boosted players.

Even Fan fails on occasion, but I get why Ana must find this tedious. It would be awful to work hard and climb to Master only to be matched with Silvers/Gold/Plats.


Here is my list of favorites so far:

-ARAM on 3 lane maps

-Go for boss directly after you’ve obtain 3 curses and waste Curse.

-Put in gems/obtain 3 plants but not take 2 seconds to push atleast a singular lane first. So now all 3 spiders/ents spawn on your side of the map instead of having at least one spawn further down.

-go for boss’ when enemy team is alive and near

-ping to do camps on hanamira, but not get any assistance. However, they have little issue running across to map to help soak EXP with solo laner…

-split push with heroes that aren’t great at siege. My favorite so far that I’ve seen is Lili.

-Ppl fighting inside enemy fort and then wondering why they lost the fight

-allies trying to tilt the entire team on the VERY FIRST obj of any map cause 1 person decided to soak a bit instead to try and get an early game lead.

-not healing before the big OBJ team fight and engaging it at half hp.


I begrudgingly gave you a like LordWarp as everything you’ve listed above occurs in my Plat games in Ranked.


This is mainly an issue of low-playerbase, and is part of why the average winrate gets higher the higher Rank you’re looking at.

If you’re in Masters, you’re among a small minority and most other players are likely less skilled than you.
If enough people play the game, then enough Masters players can consistently be matched with each other.
However, if there aren’t enough players in the game, then there will be too few people in Masters to match against each other without 30-minute queue times. The matchmaker will be forced to bring in players from lower ranks since it can’t find any from higher ones in a reasonable amount of time. This artificially inflates the winrate of Masters players since they end up consistently playing against worse players more than against better ones.

The reverse happens in Bronze, which is why the average winrate in Bronze typically hovered around 45%.

People getting matched up against players outside of their skill level, especially better ones against them and worse ones with them, tend to get frustrated and are more likely to leave. This shrinks the playerbase, making this issue more common. Lather, rinse, repeat.

This vicious cycle is part of why HotS is slowly dying. Players leave, the problem that makes them leave gets worse.


That really sucks…so there’s little purpose to climbing unless you can get to diamond and above which I cannot. Good to know.


Apparently it’s still okay in the EU, they playerbase is much more healthy over there.

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The matchmaker fails. There HAS to be ten master/gm queuing up at one time in NA/EU even in the dead hours

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There is a glass half full potential.

When you are on the low side of the rainbow, you get the opportunity to learn.
You also get the chance to support your strongest or weakest link.
When you are on the high side of the rainbow, you get the opportunity to carry.

I’d put this in contrast to Ranked which seems to have a loose correlation with skill.
And the requirement to flex might hold you back a little more.
I’ve decided to stick to my better heroes in QM (instead of practicing) and I’m now regularly playing with Plats, Diamonds and even the odd Masters, and overall match quality has increased. And by that I mean I’ve gotten away from the typical stomps and throws, and matches are actually difficult, people are playing their Hiros well. The upside, it gives me the opportunity to adapt to better players, instead of running laps in Silver, up and down.

Obviously it kind of prevents me from learning difficult / discomfortable heroes as I’ll just go on a loss streak.

The game doesn’t always create rainbow, by the way. I guess it depends who is online in the queue.

(By the way, feel free to browse my match history for various aspects. I upload everything so it should be statistically relevant as much as possible. For example, a fair amount of people are in parties, and that certainly affects matchmaking.)


? How stupid is your comment and why do you have the audacity to reply so ignorant

If you have the mmr of 1500 (silver) and I have the mmr of 3500 (dia master) why should I be queued up with you ever? That is my point . Its dumb . Unbalanced and shoudnt even exist


Maximus already answered your question: this happens, because the community isn’t healthy as you think it is, only a low comm makes things you’re complain about possible, if there are enough player on your level, you will find easier equally matches easier.

Another point is that QM has no ladder, but a hidden MMR in addition to the core random design to be able to choose a hero you want. it’s incredible difficult to make your wish possible. Did you already forgot what happend, when the devs tried to adjust the matchmaking in QM? The outcry against longer queues?


I give up discussing with you
Lets say this is my friendliest gesture

Good, because you’re post feels like a tilted or trolling post anyway, because you should aware of the issues of your proposal…

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I am a Master player and I 1000% agree with your OP but they have a point. The community isn’t large enough for QM to have a full match of diamond/master mmr players unless you want que times to be like 20 minutes. It happens in ARAM too. Unranked is a little better but the closest thing you will even find close to a fair skill level in in ranked.


There aren’t enough high MMR players to make 10 high MMR players play against each other in QM every time one decides to play.

The population simply isn’t there.

edit - sorry, didn’t see the fresh post above by Legit, saying the same thing. Though Unranked is not a solution either - the population of Unranked Draft is extremely low. Only mode where I’ve once or twice literally not found a match at all after waiting for hours.


There aren’t. You vastly overestimate the amount of players in this game online at any given moment, especially at the top end of the MMR spectrum, especially out of peak times.

I’ve played against the same 5 people over five + times in a row while playing late at night. And their skill levels were all over the place. (QM, not Storm League)


Me, Harb and Gaz were the only decent. While Raynor totally ignored everything and Tassadar was dying a lot, Gaz was trying to communicate and play with us. But surely, it wasn’t enough when enemy team was playing as 5.

Seems like you need to group as 4-5 now. Playing as 2-3 gives you 2 bad players, and even playing as 4 you can still get that one random who will ruin everything.

Bravo. I can’t believe I am saying that but MMR matchmaker sucks.

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I have taught people the solution to this for years but nobody will listen to me.

Don’t let the matchmaker put it’s greasy hands on you!

Play as a party of 5 and don’t let it put a 1100 and a 1400 MMR player with you. Pick your own teammates before the quick match starts.

You are just a masochist, nothing more, if you press Ready and expect good things from complete random strangers, while you are a higher rated player. Me, I’m just medium MMR.

If your rating in QM is high, pressing Ready will never give you team mates who are also high rated!

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