If you could only have one announcer, which would it be?

I recently introduced a friend to HOTS and it’s been quite fun reliving it through his eyes as a new player. Recently he had enough shards to buy his first announcer (he decided on Jaina) and as I own almost all of them and feeling spoiled, I wondered if I could only have one announcer, which one would it be?

Not a huge shocker to anyone familiar with me on the forums, but my choice would be Brightwing. That announcer really has a lot of extra effort put into it and I can’t help but to adore Brightwing’s psychopathic glee in friendships and well, murder. It’s really disturbing, but also funny! Tyrael would be my second pick and it would have been a more difficult choice, but they don’t have a Li-Ming or Tyrande announcer!

Who would you pick if you could only have one?


Gazloe has a heap of lines that crack me up.

After a kill: “Make sure to check the pockets. What? It’s good advice.”


It’s a tough one, i’d say Zeratul, Abathur or Brightwing.

MC Tombstone can be really funny at times when you get a team kill and the announcer says:
“Holy S H (BEEEEEEEEEEP) T” :joy:

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Alarak. He definitely keeps me from getting cocky.


Alarak and also Imperius! The assembled voice talent for Blizzard games is really very impressive.

Definitely Alarak. He has the best lines! Also Kevin is a strong second contender and the Christmas kid is third


Probably the Default. That way I get to have a different announcer for each map and cheat the system lol.


There are many nice announcer were called already, but I also like Whitemane or Blackbeared.

The map announcer can still be active with custom announcer at certain circumstances though like without the introducing speech, which are always binded to selected announcer.

Edit: I have to correct my decisions about announcer, because one of my favorites, which one is probably underrated: Mephisto. I like his puns:



BW ofc.

Are your blood boiling, good !

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James Raynor. Either I get an announcer that no one has, or they make a new announcer for everyone just so that I have to listen to it for the rest of my time on hots.

It would be a must they incorporate a line about Ray’s joy for lanning.

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“Hah, you survived. Will wonders never cease.”

Which somehow always seems appropriate when I am playing Artanis. Especially given how I play Artanis.


Abathur or Arthas
What can I say, I like low voices lol


Abathur. I’d miss quite a lot, but this is the SSS tier announcer imo.


Probably El Guapo or Brightwing.

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That voice, that wit. /shivers


M.C. Tombstone from the last Nexomania

Jaina Announcer is used for most of my heroes leaders since Kerrigan Announcer is not in game yet as to added, Valla also used to 5 heroes leaders, D.Va used to 4 heroes leaders, and Alarak is exclusive only to that team.

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Murky in 20 characters. :eyes:

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I would choose between two

MC TOmbstone and Qhira, depends on what mood I’m in when making teh choice, Qhira is great when you want to focus, and get int othe mindset of taking it seriously as a battle

And MC tombstone is just awesome and fun I never get tired heairng him censored when you get a 5 kill.