Idea for Artanis

This^^. Even though you could argue that PoA could be reworked into something else. Or alternatively, though I’m a bit hesitant about this one as idk if it’s possible to be coded for and I think it would be quite disappointing synergistically speaking, they could make it so that the baseline AO does not benefit from PoA.

Though I stand by my previous argument that his trait should be able to be manually activated to double his shield :joy::joy::joy: (god hell be so broken with permanent stacking shield)

I think part of the problem with a lot of the threads I see with suggestions for changing Artanis is that many people do not realize what his role is, and what keeps him out of the meta.

Artanis is a sustained, single-target, AA- based damage dealer. And that is pretty much it. He doesn’t have a ton of utility, his wavelcear is poor (although slightly better with Solarite Reaper), his flashiest move carries with it a large risk of spectacular failure, and when he goes in, it must be in cases where he can just outlast his opponent(s). In higher ranks of play, such a one-dimensional hero just isn’t ideal, when there are more versatile options available.

With that said, he is perfectly viable, especially in the lower ranks, and if he is drafted correctly, can be an absolute beast. Because of this, changes to him have to be done delicately because bruisers can easily rage out of control if they have too much damage, survivability, or lack any form of counter.

I would love to see changes to him, as he isn’t a generalist and can’t be played into any map or comp, but I am also wary about changes that could send him into perma-ban state.

This can be said of any hero or role.

Well, what difference does it make if he is perma-banned instead of perma-never-drafted? :slight_smile: There are always heroes that are first-pick-first-ban. But I think you overestimate his potential with even the ideas in this thread, given his very limited role, as you say.

I am starting to think that Artanis needs the Tassadar treatment. I love playing this hero but I kind of hope that they break and re-make him, because right now he’s just a low-elo nothing-burger – and that’s such a shame.

Because overtuned heroes are simply not healthy for the game.

Certainly not, but this is what PTR and patches are for.

Under-tuned/irrelevant heroes are likewise unhealthy for the game, just in a different way.

The PTR is primarily for bug testing more so than balance purposes. There are occasional changes but not as calibrated.

Undertuned heroes aren’t picked, overtuned heroes are in every game. One clearly has a bigger effect on the meta.

Considering Artanis is pretty much smack dab at 50% and still has a 15% popularity, I think you’re highly overestimating how irrelevant Artanis is.

A thread dedicated ty my favorite bruiser who suffers badly in current state? Count me in.

Reactivated Blade Dash would be op and would provide him with way more mobility then we wanted him to have. So I would instead move Zealot Charge to earlier talent tier, and nerf the distance by about 30%. Additionally I would let him dash to friendly units [as part of the talent].

Also he needs anti-CC talent. Everything has lots of CC, and he has just way too many counters. Blind is not the worst, as he can still use skills + Force of Will for Shield Overload cdr. I think he suffers mostly from stuns and silences.

Unstoppable would be overkill, but at least something that reduces duration of stuns and silences on him, while Shield Overload is active. Sonya has similar talent in her Spin build.