I refuse to carry anymore

For some reason, unless I’m getting a 5 man on my friends list, the quality of my teammates is god awful. There’s always one or two bad eggs every couple of games sure, but me? It seems to happen around the damn clock.

I’ve had so many games where I had to painstakingly spoonfeed kills to otherwise clueless assassin “mains” while playing their tank, have them berate me as a healer trying to keep them alive in 5v1 situations, and then getting ridiculous 17/17/0 games and then still losing because people don’t know that trading 1 for 1 still leaves an equal number of players and no advantage if you just suicide.

If it’s not something I’m doing it’s something they’re doing, if I’m not the mercer, no one will get mercs, if I’m not soaking, no one will soak, if I’m not pinging danger, someone will face check obviously baited bushes.

And then I have to start telling people to NOT chase low HP heroes under forts when the gate is up??? I didn’t know everyone was suddenly genji! Thanks! I really wanted to mutilate myself just so that you could paddle the air at that profusely bleeding but laughing enemy hero.

I understand QM is the place to practice and get good with your hero, but there should be limits to how stupid some decisions can be made. I shouldn’t have to try even harder to win when most of the time it seems like my team doesn’t care.

Sigh rant over.


I feel your pain man, expecially during the weekend: QM may become very frustrating some days.
The best suggestion I can give you is to add to your FL everybody that looks like a good player and start queue in party with them, to reduce the number of “pugs” or totally avoid them.


That is a wise descision. This game is better played with friends or at least in a group of like minded players win or lose.


Lol I feel your pain.

My team brawls mid so I go soak. Then when it’s time to merc, I ask them to merc, but they’re still brawling mid. So I tell them I will merc and ask them to soak my lane. They continue brawling mid.

Objective starts. Rest of team is at half hp and 1/4 mana and scattered all over the map.

Even plats and diamonds occasionally will be this bad at the macro game. It just boggles my mind.

Like I’m not asking them to be amazing players or anything. All I’m asking is:

  1. Every lane to be soaked
  2. Mercs taken at right time
  3. Be at objective on time with full hp and mana

But that is apparently impossible for 99% of players, including plats and diamonds



I dont know, i feel like doing pretty fine on QM. Its annoying to have noobs on your team but it doesnt happen every single game so im fine with it.

Had a game the other day where someone said their shoulder hurt. I replied “from all the carrying?” They just seemed confused. Joke failed.

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I’ve been so tempted to make a giant common sense thread full of things EXACTLY like these, including:

  1. Don’t fight over nothing, in the middle of nowhere, when you’re outnumbered and outleveled especially before an obj is going to pop. That’s dumb/bad.

  2. If you’re at an obj, and you’re winning the team fight over it, DONT SEPERATE YOUR TEAM and chase enemies ALL THE WAY BACK TO THEIR TOWERS: SECURE THE OBJ, SUPPORT YOUR TEAMMATES.

  3. Learn when to engage based on obvious tells per hero like: Don’t attack Zarya when her shields are up, on herself or her allies. IF ALARAK IS STANDING STILL, GLOWING AND LAUGHING, STOP ATTACKING AND RUN THE F AWAY!


  5. One of THE biggest favors you can EVER do for your team is simply NOT DYING. Laning doesn’t mean mini-teamfighting 24/7, it means soaking minion experience while protecting your defenses. Anything extra you can safely gain passed that is icing on the cake.


  7. If you’re streaming, and you know you’re being stream sniped, TURN THAT OFF. What, your stupid stream that’s going to go nowhere is worth making 4 other people lose because the enemy can see every single effort/play your team tries to make?

  8. Learn how to draft, and what heroes SHOULDNT EVER be a first round draft. If you first round pick something like Nova or a similar squishy/stealthy, you’ve just told the enemy team how to draft to make the game a consistent 4v5 because they’ll just pick heroes that are absolutely in no danger at all from a hero like Nova. Some heroes operate BEST AS COUNTERS TO VERY SPECIFIC AMOUNTS OF VERY SPECIFIC TYPES OF HEROES AND SHOULD ONLY BE DRAFTED WHEN THOSE CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET.

  9. If you’re at 5 deaths at the 6 minute mark, chances are you’re obviously doing something wrong. If you have a 1-8 or 2-11 record at the end of the game, chances are you need to go back to AI and learn your hero. That’s very, very bad. You literally helped the enemy team more than your team.

  10. If you need Health or Mana for obj, a good rule of thumb is HEARTH BACK AT 20s TILL OBJECTIVE SPAWN. This is a good rule of thumb for every map. Conversely, if you had a teammate hearth back late and they are on the way to obj, DONT ENGAGE 4v5 AT OBJ, WAIT FOR YOUR TEAMMATE.

  11. DONT BOSS WHEN THE ENEMY TEAM HAS 5 UP AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE. Awful/bad/dumb boss calls has cost more players victory than anyone can even fathom. Just don’t do it. Say No to being bad. Wait till the enemy team has 2 heroes down, then boss.

But honestly if a player can’t pick up on these incredibly simple rules of the game themselves, pointing it out is probably moot. Some players just refuse to use their brains regardless of anything.

Not to mention, what % of the playerbase would even see it?


Your list is a little long to make every player read, but it’s all good stuff. I think Blizzard needs to make a guided game tutorial that pauses at key moments, and has a message come up to teach a basic strategy. Things like soaking between objectives, actually going to the objectives, Merc/Boss camp after getting a kill or before objective. Also, reminders like don’t fight talent levels/# of players down, and there might be an enemy(or 5) in that bush!

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I thought about this too. It is infuriating to lose when you do all the right moves. Then I realize that I need to carry in order to climb to the ranks I want to climb to.

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Out of curiosity, is every single move that a team mate makes wrong? Are you able to notice the things players do right? Do you make a point of saying nice job or is high performance to be “as expected” and worthy of radio silence?

Next question: is everyone on your friend list better than the entire internet? Is that why you can tolerate playing with them?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but im willing to bet you two cookies from subway that you do get teamed up with good players who know where to position on the map and time taking mercs. However, you’re in a rut mentality of overlooking those people and only seeing the bad.

I’m also willing to bet a coke to go with those subway cookies that your friends are probably just as average and are capable of mistakes too. However, your willing to overlook those mistakes cause theyre your friends.

Friend makes mistake:
No problem bro it’s all good.

Random QM guy makes mistake:


I want my coke and cookies please.

There is a ton of bad play, especially on the weekends, but I’ve given up on trying to get people to play well. I’m just pleasantly surprised when the bare minimum is achieved, but there will always be that one misplay that overshadows everything a player does.

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Now see here, I do not mind people learning, but after 1k levels you’d think people would realize stop walking near the displacement hero after getting hooked/swapped/flipped 3-4 times or being overly aggressive.

If people only do it once, I don’t bat an eye, but when no one ever gets mercs or when people constantly fight over nothing of value near their structures and net 0 kills, well it makes the team look stupid and wastes time.

Recently however it seems like there’s always the one bad egg that drags a team down, another time it was several and then nothing happened. And then another it was a pair that never ever went to objectives even when the team was up.

And then it’s when I’m playing with a 4 man friend squad, it’s all in sync, except the one guy.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are the people that get in sync and are playmakers, there are the helpful people, but usually I’m getting the opposite of that.


Don’t play QM.


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Heck yeah I do. If a healer or tank saved my bacon in a team fight, even if it’s just a rando, I’ll say something “10/10 Stitches!” or “Thanks for the save Tyrande!”. If it’s an assassin that pulls of a solid play/kill against an enemy that thought they got away from the team fight safely, I’ll say “MLGPRO Valla!” or some such.

I try to encourage that stuff. Why not, it benefits our whole team.


Ugh, I understand what you’re saying but honestly the list could be read in under 3 minutes. Easy. It isnt a thesis or textbook.

I see this a lot in game forums, particularly WoW BFA, and wonder how awful most people’s ability to focus for less than five minutes is…

To think, people like this must be EXTREMELY allergic to books and that bodes absolutely awful for our collective future. Its unreal. I feel like a tiny minority because I do enjoy reading. So sad. We’re done for as a species.

Im not trying to disrespect anyone’s lifestyle or choices, but having had the fortunate opportunity of post 4year higher education (MS)… People cant control themselves/their impulses enough to read a simple list of basic concepts about their chosen recreational activity?!? That… That blows my mind. I can’t imagine my mind “working” like that.

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Nice one gum; we need more people in the gaming world like you!

I love that your comments are specific. Instead of a generic “gj”, you called out the stitch or tyrande for their good play. That specific feedback has more weight and is more impactful.

At the end of the day, we’re just strangers to our team mates and have zero rapport with them. It’s tough to receive negative feedback from a stranger and it’s usually met with resistance.

Ive found that in a 20 minute game where im a total stranger, if i compliment people on genuine good plays and be specific with my comments, i demonstrate to my team that i can see the good and the bad. If team mates misplay later down the track, im capable of providing constructive (negative) feedback with little risk of receiving a “reported” threat against me.

Some people are lost causes though to which i just not bother and move on. :slight_smile:


Exactly, and I’ve noticed players try and play a bit more to the best of their ability if I do point out a solid play they’ve made or reassure them “Nah man, you just got boned there” (yknow, if they truly got wombo’d that’d require GM level micro to avoid) if they die and apologize for it.

This is def part of it too. Like players who refuse to communicate, show up for obj, don’t bother backing up teammates if it looks like they’ll need it etc and just stay in la-la land the whole game? Waste of time, they should stick to single player games if they don’t realize this is a team based game at it’s very core. I’m not interested in selfish teammates.

Play a hero that can solo camps, in a timely manner. Soak your lane and do them.
Trying to direct anyone here just seems pointless.

Sure your team will still whine at you for doing them, apparently it’s never the right time…

I had a 23 minute game yesterday (As Malf) 1 camp taken all game, that I solod out of spite. It’s petty common that unless i do them 90% of camps either don;t get done, or just so sporadically timed they are useless.

The amount of times i have to tell the Garosh to stop throwing their tanks on top of me as KT is pretty ridiculous.

I was using your post as a launching point for my suggestion of a new tutorial. It was meant within the context of: things to know before your first game. People like to jump straight in to games and start having fun, without a lot of reading. Do they suffer for it? Sure. Tutorials have to balance education with retaining interest. Your list is easy to agree with, for the experienced player at least. I like the content of it, but the concepts would need to be more slowly introduced to a new player.

For a player who has bad habits, they have the familiarity with the game to benefit from a list of all the common mistakes. In contrast to a new player that lacks the context to apply those tips.

I echo your disappointment in the lack of capacity and desire of many to self educate, especially on a topic of interest. It’s not limited just to willingness to read, but some won’t even bother applying the concept. Instead, they expect to be rewarded for mashing buttons, because that’s just where we are as a society.

When they canceled HGC quallity seemed to go out the window… Not that it wasn’t bad before, the playerbase is still probably bronze LOL or wood DOTA level at best. Most don’t even know what talent advantages are. I’ve just noticed a few funny things yesterday and today.

I pinged people were missing, and at least 6 people asked how to do that. 4 of them still walked into fog and got ganked but that’s a story for another time.

If I say I’m gonig to soak the side lane people are less likely to yolo mid. If I don’t say something, I’ll just get pinged by the retard who died in front of their towers

Most people don’t actually know how much xp is being soaked so in their mind, anyone who is soaking is doing the wrong thing, even when they can hover over the god damn levels.

People will not push other lanes when enemy team rotates to come gank you. they’ll just sit behind towers until you

A ) die, in which case somehow they’ll get a signal in their brain to push and then they will get ganked in die till the enemy team is 10.

B) you successfully avoid the gank and they will still not push but instead rotate to you rlane to do absolutely nothing while the enemy team has rotated to a different lane to gank someone at their towers.