I know why this game failed

It’s because of QM period.
Think about it.

A New player says “Oh look this game looks cool I’ll try it out.”
They boot it up play the tutorial maybe a few AI games, then say “I’m bored playing A.I.” and try QM.
They notice there are just random team comps and after the first few games they begin to see the pattern. The matches are very one sided based on either, Team comp or the fact one team is stacked.
They think maybe it’s just because I’m new. Then play some more and after about level 20 or so on their account it becomes frustrating on how obvious the stacking and comp advantage is.
They say “Man this is garbage maybe I can do ranked and get a proper team comp going so I’m not playing in this cluster f of matches every game.”
Then they get the message they need 16 heroes and level 50 to be able to do ranked and say “Screw that, I’m not going through another 30 levels playing this game being stomped on by premades or just RNG comps.”

That’s how you lose players. It’s the new player experience that matters the most. Getting those new players to stay and enjoy the game. Not frustrating the crap out of them and then asking them to give you money. lol.

There are so many ways to fix it yet they are so tone deaf to how gamers think or what they experience when playing their game. Look at what they did to WoW heh. I have seen Blizzard as a company over the last 20 years fall to such a bad level it amazes me. How could anyone want to even be a part of a company like that. Oh that’s right all the good people left because they saw what was happening.


Ah. The classic QM hate post. If it weren’t for QM, this game would be dead a long time ago. People want to play as the heroes they want and QM is the best shot at doing so. Also the problems are much more than just game modes. The developers really don’t care about this game anymore. They throw us an occasional bone now and then to keep us here and then abandon us for another 6 months with a lame update that either introduces a game breaking feature or literally nothing.


While I do think QM was a big problem from the start, I don’t think it has anything to do with what you said.

IMO QM just created spoiled casual players/made players lazy. The game is balanced around draft, and QM just showed players that they can forget about draft and just queue whatever they want, while waiting for the game to give them a good comp.

This just made people not learn the game properly, not learn draft, and just want really fast games where they just press queue and play.

Why on other mobas people don’t complain about draft? Because they are used to it since the start.

QM should have draft, even if it’s just get in the game and everyone draft at the same time. Anything.

ps: This is just an opinion on why people refuse to play ranked, which should be the main game mode for the game to make it work well, not why “it failed” or anything like that.


QM should be the problem, because the game failed? I see… so that’s why A.I and QM are the most popular modes than ranked, because most players can’t passed level 50? KEKW.

Either that or they don’t have any other options to play with and if you have only one option you can’t compare and your complaining is nullified.

If QM gets draft, then the devs can just straight up remove QM from the game, because there is no difference between unranked/ranked anymore.

Edit: I even remember when people said they don’t like ranked, because the draft takes too long.


Which is exactly my point. People don’t/can’t complain in other mobas because they don’t have a spoiled option. Players know that the game needs a draft and they understand that because that’s what the game offered them. They know draft is 50% of the moba experience. The devs on those games also understand that.

Blizzard just wants to please everything, which is FAR WORSE than just making this game extremely casual QM only. You can’t try to go for everything, you gotta either focus on competitive or casual. They announced hots as a casual brawler, then they tried to force competitive. Now they have to do stuff to please both groups, which is impossible. It is just a mess :S

I meant from the start. You could still have unranked and QM, just QM having a quick draft like other mobas have.


Oh the devs definitely care. They might not always make the best decisions, but I do think they’re passionate.

Now Blizz on the other hand? Not so much.


What’s the difference between “Quickdraft” and “draft”? Draft without bans like in Allpick? Don’t like it, it removes the main feature of the QM playing your favorite hero.

I tried to get into this game and had this exact experience. I DCed two times and now have landed in the leaver’s queue, where it was loss after loss. Uninstalled.

This is the simple, unvarnished truth.

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It may be keeping the game up for vet players who already know the game but it’s not a nice ground for new ones to start on. I think that’s the point OP wanted to make, not just hating on QM.

It doesn’t have a rule exactly, you can make it the way you want. You could make it without bans, you could make it everyone pick at the same time, you could make it allowed mirror heroes, you could make it not possible to see enemy picks. There’s just a lot of possibilities and every game finds what is best.

The main think about quickdraft is it is quicker than going through a ranked/unranked draft phase, where everyone has like 20-30 seconds to pick something, there’s ban phases and everything.

The main difference between quickdraft and our QM is you don’t let the game do the job that players should do. Letting the game do the player’s job allows them to be lazy/spoiled. This gives them the notion that the game should be doing this for them. Why play ranked at all if I can just play whatever I want and have the game do the draft? Why should I bother learn other heroes/roles if I can just play this hero over and over again?

This just hurts ranked mode. Everyone should be eager to learn different heroes/roles and queue ranked. Imagine if we had quickdraft from the start and people knew how to draft, player other things, talk strategies and everything. Just imagine how far this game could have gone. Maybe even competitive hots would still be a thing, since more people would be interested in getting better.

Exactly my point. Why play draft if I can queue this hero forever and have the game do the draft for me?


If you are really new to the game, I don’t think that you really care about losing or winning. In fact you should expect to lose more than winning because you are still learning.

But if you are making a alt account and losing in qm then maybe you are just bad.

Qm seeding use to be a problem for high ranks, but it was remove. The max entry league for a nee account is gold now.


Yup the mode with the fastest que time needs to have perfect matches. While some how still thinking they are not gonna lose time when they change the matching.

Quick match is a mode for goofing off and practice. You can not have this mode always have a balanced comp otherwise your gonna turn into 5-10min wait times.


Actually HOTS’ funding was cut because its E-Sports scene was not profitable. It had nothing to do with QM.


Greed is what killed the game. They may appear to have been very generous financing HGC, but that was the marketing department trying to forcefully shove the game down everyone’s throats. They were hoping to match Overwatch’s success in a very short term with a product that was still mid-production.

The whole thing became a monopoly over night. The high number of weekly broadcast hours was just enough to cause market saturation and it happened very rapidly because they only included best of the best, so viewers became bored really fast and didn’t feel the desire to jump into other gameplay streams outside of HGC.

Naturally the players themselves got accustomed to a certain lifestyle, living standard and steady income, so it’s not surprising why they all bailed momentarily. There might have been some other business opportunities, but why settle for anything less?

How DotA 2 and especially LoL are even exist then? Their MM and balance is even WORSE.

It failed because you didn’t use team chat in a team based game. Tsk, Tsk.


Eh, bigger playerbase solve most of the MM issues. If hots had the same playerbase dota or league has, we wouldn’t have that many MM problems since you would get matched much more often with people around your skill level.

And balance is just a matter of personal opinion most of the time. Idk about dota, but in league basically all champs are viable, which could mean it’s balanced. Same for hots, you can make basically any hero work.

HotS has less MM problems than both of them.

Are you kidding? LoL is unbalanced piece of :poop:

Disagree. Playing league for more than a year, never had any MM problems. Always got matched around people same mmr.

This is more your personal opinion, which I respect, but doesn’t really count.

If you look at the data https://br.op.gg/statistics/champion/ , you’ll see that most champs are in a really healthy spot when it comes to winrates in ranked, most are around 47-53% winrate. Just the bottom 10-15 that have less than that, but if you follow league of legends tournaments/high level play, you’ll know that basically all those champions are used all the time there. They have the same thing most bottom heroes in hots have: really high mechanics/team play needed.

ps: the data is very accurate since all data is free and has all games, it’s not like heroes profile.