I geniuinely don't understand. Can someone explain

… why do you all want Reinhardt so bad? His kit is way too boring and unoriginal in Heroes, except for barrier which would be way more difficult to implement then say, Winston’s shield or Brig’s shield.

His AA is literally just Garrosh.
His charge is just slow Diablo Charge.
Fire Strike is just concentrated Diablo Stomp
Shield… well, if it’s anything like it is in overwatch, would either be useless or oppressive.
Earthshatter is more reliable Mosh Pit.

If you want a Overwatch main tank, there are MUUUuuuch better picks than Rein, such as:

Orisa: A ranged tank that has a static barrier, strong AOE peel, and a CC immunity, with a team boosting ultimate.

Winston: A dive oriented tank that can deal AOE damage with most of his tools, have a powerful protection tool in sphere barrier, and gains fantastic peel with his ultimate.

I personally see Rein’s Barrier able to block Range AAs and Skill Shots.
His Charge wouldn’t be like Diablo’s, due to it not needing to select a victim to charge against, to me atleast.
Fire Strike is more Akin to Varian only without the Life Steal Effect, and being able to pass through other barriers.
And yea, Shatter would be a reliable Mosh Pit. Unless they make a unique Stun effect based on the knocked down in OW. But that’ll take a while. Tho imagine Mosh and Earthshatter working together, that’d lead to an annoying meta I feel.

I think people would also rather have Rein over Orisa because Rein is more Original when it comes to the Cast of Overwatch, I feel. I think he’s a fan favourite too.
(And on a personal note, I see a better moveset for Rein then Winston. Not that he wouldn’t work, I just can’t see how myself)

Rein’s a fan favorite. He’s fun to play in Overwatch.

Welp, there you go. There it is.


Reinhardt is a fan favorite like Euphoniumguy said which is why there is a strong desire for him to join the roster. But to be fair, you can put a twist on a hero’s kit to make it more interesting or fitting for the Nexus as well. Like how Junkrat’s Q is literally just a better version of his Auto Attack.
Hence why most of the Overwatch Heroes have Ultimates that they don’t in Overwatch, since giving tracer a Punch and just variants on her Pulsebomb was fairly boring.
As for your critiques, I imagine his AA would be much stronger than Garrosh’s and also a cleave because he swings his hammer which separates them.
His charge can have a much further distance, and Increase Speed as he travels which sets it apart from Diablo’s.
Earthshatter is a Cone Stun, that is a very different function than Mosh Pit and probably wouldn’t last nearly as Long, that might be better or worse depending on the Enemy team composition.
The Shield would have to function fairly differently than it does in Overwatch because Overwatch is an FPS and this is a MOBA.

The limit on Overwatch Heroes entering the Nexus is your own creativity. Just like with Junkrat’s Q you can make changes to make something more MOBA-like as needed. Not to mention further talents spicing it up.