I gain basically no points in ranked

I’m sorry if this isn’t a bug, but i’m assuming it is.

Me and my friends recently reinstalled hots, and started playing ranked. placements went as normal, etc. etc. we lost a couple of matches and i ended up in bronze 5. Being in bronze 5 doesn’t bother me at all, i just enjoy the game. What does bother me is that whenever we play a match, win or lose, i basically gain or lose nothing. when we win, a friend of mine gets about 400 points (he is in silver, so he should get less than me for winning a match against bronze 2 i assume) but i get about 25 points per win. this means i basically can never rank up and am stuck in this rank forever. i lose 25 points as well, but this afternoon we were on a winstreak but i got so few points it didn’t matter at all. it kind of sucks doing ranked for nothing.

kind regards,


Read this developer post to know how point gain works in Bronze 5 (different from all other leagues).

In short, it isn’t a bug, there are just way more people in Bronze 5 than any other division (since you can’t go lower than B5 0 points).
Bronze 5 players have to prove they belong to higher leagues by winning a lot of games in a row.

okay. i personally find that kind of unfair, seeing i’ve been in gold before, and i just got smacked into bronze this time. i feel like my friends are ‘escaping’ my rank, because they will rank up, and the difference between ranks will increase a lot. thanks for pointing me towards this article, i managed to win about 12 games in a row now and i’m FINALLY 2 matches from bronze 4.

i managed to win about 12 games in a row now and i’m FINALLY 2 matches from bronze 4.

That is an amazing feat, from the looks of it many people are giving up facing this adversity in B5, it is great you manage to escape from this hell league into normal games where you will gain 200 points again. Well done.

You proved the matchmaker you don’t belong in there, so in a way it is working as intended (people who can’t achieve the same must grind for a long time).

When you work your way up you will never have to place in that league in new seasons again.