I found a way to play the role you want all the time in SL!

It’s pretty simple, be a tank main. People don’t expect a tank main to flex.

You can first pick a well-rounded tank like Muradin, ETC, or Jo, and most people won’t have issue with it, because they are glad that someone is eager to play a tank.

And as a tank main, you have greater influence on your team than any other role.
Lane empty? Defend ping and they will soak.
Camp on our side available? Assist ping and they will clear it.
Need to disengage? Retreat ping and they will run with you or die.

You are the boss, and you call the shot. You are the quarterback that delivers the game winning throw, and you are the linebacker that will stop anyone from running past you.

So go ahead, be the guardian, tactician, and leader that your team desperately needs!

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But your heroes get banned all the time though.


They will expect you to be useless and will never count you as real player, so you will still lose.

It’s sort of funny when you say tanks are the bosses of a team when they’re the ones taking all the enemy’s beating, begging for heals, and get talked down to by the DPS. Sounds more like a masochist sub to me lmaoo

Dunno i often got another tank main when i went in ranked

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Is Muradin really a well rounded Tank though? Most of the time he feels more like a Bruiser than a Tank.

He is a viable solo tank and always was, he is just much harder to peel for teammates with / lock down enemies with than the spammy playstyle of Johanna and ETC, which is why the latter two are so popular. His main stun also has an unsavory long visual windup allowing it to be dodged easily.

Playing him also requires strategic timing of his AA slows, which a lot of players don’t know how to do (they just use hammer or W on whoever happens to be nearby randomly).

Muradin attracts a certain kind of very inexperienced tank player in the current meta and it’s not often fun to play with them. Especially when the person is D+ and still uses Dwarf Toss to jump into enemy team, and wonders why he got killed.


While he can certainly be played like a bruiser, he is perfectly fine as a main tank. I actually find him a little more reliable in a long fight than JoJo or ETC, as he doesn’t have the same mana issues, and if you are good about weaving in and out of combat he has very good self-sustain. What sets JoJo, ETC, and to a lesser extent, Mei apart is most of what they do is AoE, where Muradin is mostly single-target, at least until he gets his quest done.

The other main difference is Muradin is much easier to punish when he is played poorly, where Johanna is just about completely idiot-proof.

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Most games if you pick early, you can usually go whatever role you want. If your character is not safe for early picks, then at least pre-pick and show as early as possible, there’s a decent chance it’ll be respected.