I finallly did it

After 4 years of throwing games in ranked, I finally did it! No, I didn’t get banned (you don’t get banned for throwing games) but I finally got myself from Diamond 2 to SILVER 1.

Silver is my favorite color (well, technically gray is) so I’m very happy with myself. I implore everyone to always play as their favorite color, regardless of what game you are playing.

And yes, blue is my least favorite color so good riddance to diamond.


I don’t find this funny because people deliberately throwing all the way to bronze has been a thing for quite a while (Bronze portrait was pretty stylin for multiple seasons)


I bet you made a lot of mid ranked players quit in the progress but you properly dont care about that do you. Would have been better if you just made a smurf insteed. Then you would be in silver after placement.

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I think the “4 years” sells it out as sarcastic.
Unless I see sarcasm even where there isn’t any.
But how would I know?

One more and you’ll match my current rank. Then you will be Silver, twoo.


Copyium copyium what a drug. Kid probably had a lucky streak that got him to diamond… realized that he couldn’t perform well at that level, dropped to gold, got bitter and then fell to silver. 4 years ago was about the time they changed ranked and alot of ppl got really overranked right?


Or just got boosted by friends? And then felt back by solo playing + bad luck and trolls.

Calling me a “kid” and saying I don’t perform well?

I’m sure you’re a nice person IRL, same with me. I totally understand it can be fun to be nasty and insulting to strangers online when you can’t see there face. Just be careful not to become that which you fight against. It’s something I struggle with as well.

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The fact you got offended by being called a kid while bragging about throwing really sellls the troll routine for me


Why would someone make a thread just to tell people that they did something reportable?


Very likely so. I think he’s the one who made a thread about being in tears or something because his teammates are so bad now, when he’s a diamond level player when he qued up with his friends. Those friends don’t play anymore so.

From diamond to silver? There is no doubt his skill wasn’t even that good back in the day. Probably worsen by his I’m obviously better than you lot arrogance and refusal to adapt/flex to the draft.


It’s an inverse brag. Being in a low rank doesn’t come naturally to me because of how good i am so I had to work really, really hard to finally reduce myself down to silver.

OP quote
Here is my reaction to your story:

I’m glad I didn’t meet you and never will.


Just check their post history.

Because you keep recalling back when you see him.

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Nothing special, just someone who’s bad but claims he’s just intentionally bad.


It’s so edgy, that’s why. What a super member of the community the OP is, what in interesting “social experiment” they did.

Enjoy your silver rank OP, you deserve to be banned or permanently have your account locked to Bronze 5. On seconds thoughts, just the ban. Many people in Bronze 5 at least actually try hard to win games, rather than throw them because they are “too good.”