I absolutely cannot find a single ARAM match

I don’t know if this is the right place to put this but here goes.

Every now and then me and friends try queuing for ARAM and literally every time, we get stuck in a really long queue and eventually just give up. Tonight, as a three man, we waited a full hour to no success. We then got another two people in our party to search again for about 15 minutes before they gave up and left.

To clarify, we can usually find AI matches within 5 minutes and quick matches within 2. We’re all in Australia, but I assume that shouldn’t matter since it just changes to other servers if the one your in doesn’t have people, right? Does anyone have the faintest idea why we can’t find a single ARAM match?

Be aware that if any of your party has leaver stacks, then your entire party gets matched in leaver queue. Leaver queue can only be matched with and against other people in leaver queue so has significantly lower population than non-leaver matches.

We haven’t played nearly long enough to have ever left a game, we’ve also never played rank or pretty much anything but versus AI and like less than a dozen games of quick match. We don’t have leaver stacks