How to Tassadar!

hey everyone !

i wanted to make a “guide” on how i play my Tassadar ,this is by no way the end all be all " how to play him" , its simply how i like to play him peronally , so if some people disagree with it its OK, because id like to hear your thoughts on your end too !

lets start with the basic

  • plasma shield : i use that pretty much the same way i play medivh, my goal is to cast is as close as possible as when the target is going to get hit, the reason for that is there is more chance in that time frame that the ally is also going to attack them and get healed longer because of it . when out of fight i tend to bubble people too because they can simply hit stuff and heal. alternatively it works nice to protect buildings vs objectives (Black heart bay) because it sometimes delay just enough to save a building , doesnt always work but i did managed to save a few game by leaving the core at 1-2% lol .

  • Psionic storm : its really decent wave clear, great poking tool too and awesome for harrasssing stealth like valeera who cant do much when you just revealed her at that point.

  • dimensional shift : most people use it for escape, but i like it for chases too , someones low on HP and you know they only got like 100HP left or something like that , use D shift to get in range, Storm!! dead :slight_smile:

now for the talents and my pick ration (pick % are just rough estimates ) !

LVL 1 : ( Psi-Infusion 35% / Templar’s Will 50% / Khaydarin Resonance 15% )
i actually use all 3 opening quests with tassadar but i really make my decisions on different factors , the map, the comps on both ends , which one im likely going to finish first and how effective im going to be with it, and then out of all that how much impact is the non talented skills going to make vs the fully talented one once completed , essnetially i think way too much lol

  • Templar’s Will : the basic attack quest is a simple one, it can accommodate to almost anything , ideally i like it against front like heavy ( tanks) or vs tracers and genji ( stop attacking when he reflect because you will be killing your team !!) ,
  • Psi-Infusion : i like storm build on map like braxis , garden of terror or spider queen and when completed can do a nice chunk of damage onto its target and clear minion lanes quite fast.
  • Khaydarin Resonance: as for the shield quest i really need to make sure how fast im likely going to complete the quest, since i need to be ready before the big team fights after lvl 10 and if we will be needing that extra shielding ( at lvl 20 its goes from about 1k to 1.4k ). if our team has sufficient damage but seen to lack on defensive im likely going to pick this. when i pick this i make sure i grab every globe i find but its important to find the proper balance with laning and fighting .

LvL 4 : ( Khala’s Celerity 20% / Khala’s Embrace 35% / Khala’s Light 45% )
which shield to pick is pretty simple for me and goes more like this ,

  • Khala’s Celerity : if we need escapes or chases then i pick speed
  • Khala’s Embrace : basic attack is pretty much when we have strong AA hitters
  • Khala’s Light : armor shield for me tend to be the best one since the bonus is extended by 3 seconds after breaking of expiring giving a total of 7 seconds of protection .

LvL 7 : ( Psionic Projection 35% / Resonation 5% / Mental Acuity 60%)
psionic projection and mental acuity are my usual go to because resonation is much more specific for the needed situation since you need to be commonly in range but work nice with the AA quest as well.

  • Psionic Projection : provide 40% range which is almost a full screen range, if you can see it , you can storm it or bubble it. i like that specially when they have heavy harass that are preventing you from getting remotely close to the actual fights ,so you can assist from afar.
  • Mental Acuity : mental acuity is the one i like the most because it combos well with all builds since you can spam that much more afterward when you can upgrade it so that when its active your CD are 50% faster which mean more storm/shields. but then again if we are in a game where our team isnt killing much , then this isnt the best choice unless im betting on the end game.

LvL 10 : ( Force Wall 90% / 10% for the other one )
seriously , once i could wall and cut between 2 players with precision, it became so useful , archon has barely any use for me anymore lol we dont have enough damage ? wall the enemies so we take them 1 or 2 at a time. we need to run ? wall ! ,we need to chase them ? d. shift then WALL !! can wall off exists for objectives or delay enemies . archon is usually if we literally have very little damage like no assassin or real dps .

LvL 13 : ( Deep Shift 25% / Adun’s Wisdom 40% / Nullification 35%)

  • Deep shift : this goes well if i actually picked archon since it refreshes it , or if i need more surviability.
  • Adun’s Wisdom : here is the combo with the oracle quest, all basic skill cd 50% faster ? well yes thank you !
  • Nullification: tha one is good too because -75% is a huge debuff so i usualy use that vs tracer/genji/kerrigan ( when i play tass, tracer is rarely a concern to be honest lol ) also any other melee damage works great, or even on alarak when he goes in for a kill. best part is they might jump in expecting to kill everyone and end up killing no one and wont understand what happened and are likely to do it at least once more since very few people check the talents the enemy picked through out the game lol .

LvL 16 : ( Phase Disruption 20 % / Psionic Echo 40% / Focused Beam 40% )

  • phase disruption : is usualy when i know i cant support enough in damage and we already have good AA allies BUT is actually a pretty decent combo with archon for the few time i do pick it that ult.
  • psionic echo is great for both storm quest or shield, and since storm’s damage increase for each successive hit, i always want to land the second one as late as possible for maximum damage.
  • focused beam : its usually to help against those tank like garrosh , taunt varian , dragon knight or volskaya mech since it deals % to life damage .

LvL 20 : ( Twilight Archon 2% / Force Barrier 80% / Prismatic Link 9 % / Shield Battery 9% )

  • twilight archon : is my most rare pick since i rarely go archon but does help a whole lot specially for long extended fights

  • force barrier : is my most picked on that tier because at that point i think tassadar as the biggest power spike in the entire game, not because of damage or healing or anything like that, but simply the shear amount of constant harrass and inconvinience and greif he can cause to the enemy team compared to any other character in the game. since force wall can be used almost constantly and on top of that the range is so large on this and can wall off enemies almost a screen away. at that point , unless they have ways to jump around it, they simply will not run away from you unless you let them lol.
    this is the part where you will crush your enemies into submission >:D .

  • prismatic link : is a great constant harassing tool with the AA build specially vs mage heavy because even if they stand behind their tank , your likely to still damage them lol .

  • shield battery : will actually provide a shield for about 1000 which is actually not bad at all to be honest . i usually go for that when we need further damage prevention . essentially if really needed you could use shield battery to save about 1k damage from an ally, then shield them again for an other 1.4k .

overall , tassadar has been one of my first main at the very start of the game, then he got changed so i kinda placed him on the back burner for a while … actually a long while but for a few weeks ive got back into it and wanted to share my toughts on it. i find i can adapt to a large amount of situations and control fights in our favors . ive heard it many times that tass is a bad hero or cant carry a team but for me a support can do much then simply heal and thats exactly what he does for me which is why i like him so much ! ( also everytime someone on my team called early GG because i was tass and ended up winning the game with MVP on top of that is always a nice to have lol ) and lastly , i dont know if he would need a full rework but for me i would prefer to see archon gone and replaced with sc1 hallucination where you can micro those too .


Nice job! This looks like and old break down I did of Tassadar a long time back. You haven’t been digging around in my Emails have you?
The only difference really is I made mine back when Archon was just melting evrrbody so I favored the one pick over Wall. This is pretty much an updated version of that if I’d ever gone back to update it. So thanks for letting me stay lazy!

I been picking Khaydarin Resonance a lot lately as long as I’m not on a map that makes it a pain to finish the quest. Pairing it up with Embrace if nothing else you can find yourself up on the end screen for your healing more often than not if you are with an aggressive auto attacker or playing Tass aggressively yourself.


Where is Dr. Logan? He needs to sign off on this first.


Summon Dr.Logan


Finding a hat, what I lost on hospital, when I was running for patient.
You made my day by your post much better, so I will answer you!
But later…
P. S. I didn’t expect you to be such Tass fan as me. Lmao.

So, I see, that you know how to use all (almost) talents. That’s good.
You know, how many builds Tassadar can uses. That’s great.
You say that wall is the best ult on game and have good arguments. A-mei-zing!
You use E not only to escape, but for attack and finishing! You love dangerous, don’t you?
You have such bad teammates as me, what say ‘gg’, when that have Tass on their team? MonkaS.
You still play that bad hero and main him no matter, how people hate you? Bravo :fist_right::fist_left:
You get MVP every game, because you are Tass with 0 deaths? That’s my boi.
You say "You shall not pass! " every time, when you are using wall, especially on 20 lvl? No escape!

I would like to play with such Tassadar and be under his supporting.


thanks !, i really try to stay away from the cookie cutter " one build for everything" mentality i see so many people do that it drives me nuts … then i see a hanzo take target practice vs an abathur lol…

im trying to :smiley:

or im just sadistic >:)

i love danger so much i actually hate spaghetti while wearing a white shirt !

i guess people place too much emphasis on stats because support can contributes in other ways .

bad hero ? i dont think there is such thing as a bad hero though , i just tell people to “git gud” if they fail lol

i make sure to get my share of kills too :smiley: , well to be honnest i die usualy once or twice, generally becasue im messing around to much or im trying to save a suicidale team mates who thought he could 1v5 them .

thats the part where my gf calls me an ( fill the blank ) when we play together and see what im doing lol

one day i want to create a full protoss team and go on a rampage with my team and show them protoss is the true master race ! and your more then welcome to come in lol :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah tassadar has been one of primary mains back in beta . i used to play tassadar, kerrigan and tyrael a whole lot then they all got changed lol then when medivh came along then i decided i wanted to master what most people couldnt or failed at so for me he was super attractive ( but then he got changed too, but i recently picked him up again too )

the way i see it if a character as a very low pick rate and low win rate, it means a few things, " he’s tough to play properly , and very few people will actually play him right " (which is why probius is also im my repertoire lol ) and thats where most people disagree with me and im ok with it as long they bring logical points .

a big thanks for the response and taking the time to go through that giant block of text that was pretty quick !

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Tassadar mains bless your soul, good man.

You are now one with us in the Khala.


Entaro MySelf. ( praise be)


You’re friends with Hoku right? You have your Artanis player already if so!
I’d join up for that and :notes: I can be your Zera baby-
I can cleave into their pain-
I will gank with you forever-
I can take their breath away! :kissing_heart:


here is an over dramatic answer to your questions :smiley: ( i hope you’ll appreciate it lol )

taking Protoss voice
My brethren ! it is in this dire time i call upon you all protoss players …
we used to be proud and well respected characters , warriors driven by honor and with the will to surpass each other ! But unfortunately following many dark and sinister events we are now looked upon as weak , being judged and told by others races what we can or cannot accomplish ! being told what cookie cutter build we should be using in order to please others ! by players who’s only focus are the stats screen, popularity picks and win rates …but no more !!!

we stand against a common and very powerful foe (dramatic pause)… the MMR ! …who matches us with unskilled players who based their entire judgments of a character on their own inability to play them ! whether you are Khalai , Nerazim , united through the Daelaam, Tal’Darim or Purifiers … we all have one very important trait that unites us together , it was OUR determination and will to master what others failed !! WE took the time and patience to learn our characters and we have times and times again proven that despite when all hopes seems dark , we managed find that light and to turn the tide of an entire game by outplaying our foes even if we knew we had to sacrifice our life for it we still did for the sake of that victory ! through unity we have the strength to show how powerful we really are !! we will stand as one team and never early GG !! we shall take the challenge of all who dare to underestimate us ! we will march and fight toward victory !!



Adun toridas! :fist:


No gonna lie, that made my day! :fist_right::fist_left:


i was hoping of providing you an answer a bit more entertaining then a simple plain yes lol ,

glad you liked it :smiley:

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