How to improve SL; a tale filled by rum

But laning for 20 minutes is boring…

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In a game where you have to get gold for items, I don’t mind the long wait.

Laning also pushes for INDIVIDUAL skill. You can’t rely on your teammates from top, mid, or jungle to be there for you, unlike 4 man squads in HOTS. You shouldn’t win if you can’t hack it out on your own. Teammates in LoL can still cover up for you, but it’s very obvious in LoL when someone underperformed in a match. In HOTS, it’s still noticeable, but you don’t have to be as good by yourself.

You should be punished for not being able to hold your own weight. We have different gaming philosophies, neither of us are wrong. You like a team-oriented team game while I like an individual-oriented team game. If you didn’t farm well in LoL, it’s obvious since you’re underleveled. If your enemy laner is ahead and demolishing your teammates while you’re stuck in lane trying to catch up in farm/items, it shows as your teammates get attacked in another lane.

If we look at the market shares of each Moba, it is clear the big audience prefers games where individual players make flashy plays rather than 5 players making a team effort.

HotS will never be the most popular Moba out there, but I’m okay with that.

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But players here who subscribe under the HOTS culture would argue it’s because of a lack of advertisement and late arrival to the MOBA scene was what doomed HOTS, not the team-oriented team focus difference from the other MOBAs

I have to agree with both of you on this but we could never know for sure. It does appear the market share prefer flashy solo plays but is it because HOTS was like 3 years late to the scene? Maybe if it was first everyone would prefer this style… Doubt it but I still prefer this game :heart_eyes:

More like 6 to 12 years too late. Dota came out in 2003, LoL came out in 2009, HotS came out in 2015.

Solo Q being full solo Q is one of the wisest ideas I’ve heard here.

So good, in fact, that every MOBA would do well to take the idea for themselves.

Can’t upvote more than one.
Give us usefull social tools in this game already.


Add it that every player must have the hero they want to play at least level 5 or higher to be allowed to select it in ranked.

Each account must have so many owned heroes to be allowed to que for ranked.

Each season all players still start as if they were bronze 5 and have to climb. consecutive of lets say 4+ in a row will reward larger amounts of points.

Increased block list and installing a system that will not match you with the same player at least for that day but setting a limit to how many people you can block per match and per day.

Lastely is to stop matching premades against randoms. It would be seperated back into hero league and Team league. I would increase the rewards for team league but that is about all i got.

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We should have had a guild system from launch. If they could add it to D3, why not for HOTS where it’s even more essential? Especially after they merged HL and TL, to create Team League under the name of Storm League. Not introducing a guild system then was a terrible oversight.

I agree with this, they should never have removed the restrictions, it just encouraged smurfing.

Well if you want to kill off Ranked, this would do it. People have earned their ranks. GM to Diamond has rank decay, nobody should lose a sense of progression every 3 months and be forced to start from the bottom again. You already get a soft MMR reset at the start of every season over your first 10 or so games, it’s enough. Keep in mind Ranked is the least played PVP mode.

I think the ship has sailed on this one outside of the EU. Not enough people are playing for a feature like this to work. Overwatch which has a much larger playerbase couldn’t even support this.

Personally I would like this. I found solo queue HL had more even matchmaking than what we have now. It again comes back to population, is there enough to support two modes? Blizz said there wasn’t which was why they merged TL and HL.

The game was alot better when it was set up that way, I have so many players in lower diamond that lock heroes they are level one with but there account level is like 250+ and there is no reason for that cause it shows they are unexperienced with that hero and do not need to be playing it.

If you are as good as your rank says you are then it will not be that hard of a climb. Besides what is the point of hitting master then playing maybe 1 game a day. These same players are hitting high ranks and then making smurf accounts cause they do not wanna lose ranks on the main account. Ranked should also be the primary focus, qm and unranked and brawl take care of themselves honestly.

Also there is no MMR reset at the start of each season, if anything players are starting higher or lower than they should. If that is the case I would rather have the 10 placement games back to decide rank.

Even so, I have had games where I get the same player 3-5 games in a row and not even on the enemy team, they are on my team after they just went 0 and 10 because of whatever reason.

HL and TL was fine, I enjoyed both and played both when they were active on my other account. HL was quite enjoyable cause there was not nearly as many trolls and afkers but at the same time you were not being matched agaiinst premades all the time…As for the population, its getting lower as it is cause players are tired of playing cause they know how often what i just mentioned happens to them. When you play 11 games and 10 of them are against premades and you get that guy who argues all game, refuses to work with team and so on then you lose all desire to bother playing this game. (Yes this happens to anyone who does not believe it)

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There is a soft MMR reset, or rather MMR confidence reset every season, it’s why you gain or lose far more points in your first 10 matches.

Sometimes they can be smurfs, but more often than not they aren’t. Or even if they are they are playing heroes they aren’t skilled with as they have a limited roster. They should never have removed the level restriction. As I said I’m all for encouraging people to venture into ranked, but all they did by removing the restrictions was to encourage more smurfs and trolls.

There isn’t a need to reset all ranks every season, I assure you this will just result in fewer people playing ranked. The less people playing ranked the worse the match making will become.

What server do you play on? This usually only happens on SEA, Brazil, not in the US or EU. I do believe what you’re saying, but being constantly matched with the same people is usually because you’re on small server, or you’re a Diamond/Master/GM.

Well the last 2 seasons at teh start I was still getting 180-220 a win or a loss per game so I can say I have not seen these extra points.

Yeah smurfing and trolling is stupid popular in ranked and to answer your question other question I am in the US and I was Diamond 2 and i have fallen down to diamond 5 cause of how many trolls and game throwers I have gotten this season and it is absurd.

Unless I got at least 2 others on, I will not solo que cause i know its gonna be a loss with the current system reset.

What is the point of climbing to a rank or starting a certain rank and never playing? I check every single players match history and games played on my team each time I play and the people who play games once every 3 weeks, well there is no reason for that.

Or my personal favorite theplayer who has not played any qm, unranked, brawl or SL in a year and they get matched upper diamond and feed all game.

Point being storm league is already hurting and losing players, a big change needs to be made otherwise ranked will not have anyone in it.

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If all players start at bronze 5, gm and master tier players will wreck the noobs


That explains why you’re being matched with the same players, even in the US as the majority of players fall into Gold - Bronze. The Devs said in the patch notes before this season they had merged some of the US servers so people in higher ranks are matched more easily to avoid rainbow games. I’m not sure how much it’s helping.

The first 10 games are really still just placement games. Most people will win or lose more points (up to 500) during those 10 games. You may not get as many points if you’re grouped, you could be favored to win, but it no longer shows how many points that after a game you lost due to favored adjustment. It could also be that your MMR confidence is high if you play consistently and a high volume of games every season, so you don’t get this benefit.

I couldn’t agree more, I just don’t think a rank reset at every season would help. I think it would make many people quit. The more people playing more often, the better the match making.

I think those who play every couple of weeks aren’t the problem it’s the people you mentioned who haven’t played for a year. I think rank decay should apply to all ranks except for Silver and Bronze. As you pointed out, some people just play the minimum games to retain their rank and are often rusty in a draft environment.

They should keep the gold rewards, but also return the Mount rewards for every rank, but make it so you must play 50 games a season to obtain it. When they gave out the mounts for TL it encouraged many people to play who normally wouldn’t. If they can get back an active player population then they can look at other ideas such as you suggested to improve ranked.

Yeah and if i didnt have to reset my account level to change regions then I would in a heart beat. That is why i keep people if possible on my block list, I can tell if its someone i had before cause I block all trolls, afks and people who are toxic in ranked chat.

You can tell if you are favored or not based on the amount of points when you win or lose. For example most of my wins in 5 man premades are 160 or so points while a loss is often 230 or so points. the higher the points, the more you are favored vs the opposite with less points.

Problem is people are quitting now. Too many players are misranked and I am not talking just a little bit. I got players in diamond playing like they are in silver or bronze. Just diving players as mages, soloing as a healer, the list goes on and its just like how can you be this high?

I still stand on the whole you should be playing often, yes people have lives and and whatnot but if you are sitting on a high rank and are only playing 1 game to avoid rank decay then you are a part of the problem. I have roughly over 300 games this season, if not for how toxic and bad people are, my old seaons i would play near double that.

Ive just lost all desire to play the game unless i got friends on cause its the same result every time. People argue, someone dies, people point fingers, game is lost at that point.

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Yeah this has definitely caused me to me before. But it’s more the trolls/Deliberate AFK’s that get me

I don’t think splitting the population into HL/SL will work with the current numbers. I was hoping for the option just to be able to Queue solo but as someone mentioned if that is not possible because essentialy they would have to be different queues then we have more chance of a matchmaker rewrite.

Maybe that way the 2 things I could see that would improve SL with this information would basically be a guild system and maybe a block list.

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People left this game for a reason, I personally think the reason being all the negative changes they have made to the game. Return the game to the previous state and see if people come back or not.

SL is unplayable right now unless you are making premades which is lame but it is what it is.


I would add the bigger issue would be the players getting carried along with it.
And getting down several leagues is not as easy as people make it out to be.
The system tries hard to make boosted players not drop too hard

I don’t think that would work putting GM etc in Bronze 5 each season because that is essentially the smurf issue (F I hate smurfing), and I think that is ruining the game at the moment IMO.

Maybe they should add a “smurf” option to the report screen (though like the rest of the reports I doubt it will do much). Then eventually they will get reported enough their could be some sort of punishment.

So over going into an unwinnable match against a group of smurfs and then loosing extra rank :cry:

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