How to get out of silver

I feel really frustrated with the placement matches.

I won 7 out of 10, got 2 MVP’s and was on the board all the time. Its been a constant improvement in my play style, in my calls and what heroe I draft for the map. Still, I can’t get out of silver. I don’t know what else to do now. I am about to quit the game since its really hard to climb up the latter from silver to gold.

There is no 1 correct answer for climbing.

Best in general is to play heroes with laneclear and ability to take camps.

For me personally from Silver 2 to Gold 2, Auriel carried me those games.

From Gold 3 to Plat 1 Samuro, Greymane and melee assassins in general carried me those games.

Learn new heroes and dont try to carry with supports, its something usually GMs and wildly misplaced players can do.

Reason that in low ranks everyone wants to play assassin is that they think theyre better and can carry and it can really make it hard to play those heroes.

In rank i manly play as a Tank or Support so i can carry the game. But still in the placement matches i get silver no matter my contribution.

Basically step 1 is to turn off chat.

Step 2 is to plan on filling any role and learn 2 each role really really well and play them really really well.

Step 3 is to learn to pretend like the dudes running around doing everything but what they should be do not bother you.

Step 4 is to pucker up for the long haul of 100 or so games to grind out.

tbh I dont have it in me anymore and Im playing other games now. Rocket League is pretty fun so far w/ a lot more ability to carry your team. I kinda suck atm on it though so itll be a while before i can climb it.

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I’d say you’re being too much of a team player and being too conservative. I know that sounds counterintuitive to the regular advise of teamwork, but at lower levels, it’s more important to learn to push your champion and hard carry. So, stop being mr nice guy for a while and feed a bunch of games trying to be that guy that either loses the game single handedly or wins it. And when you get to the point where you feel like you can carry most games single handedly, you can maybe consider going back to mr nice guy.

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Over the long haul it just comes down to making sound decisions (which is heavily predicated on knowing the gameplay mechanics), and not screwing it up for your team. You could be 10-1 at the 15 min mark but if you end up 10-3 you’ve probably threw the games (i.e. late deaths are worth 5 early deaths).

I’ll use my last ranked game (first of the season) as an example. We were on Sky Temple and were rolling the other team pretty hard and were on the cusp of winning when for some reason both tanks decided to sneak boss. Despite having one teammate top and two others wanting nothing to do with it, they persisted and the enemy team collapsed on them. Luckily we won because we got top temple but that kind decision making is what keeps people in silver. When simply getting top temple wins the game there’s just no reason to risk taking boss. Game ended (not a moment too soon) with a flamewar in chat.