How to deal with sammy?

I absolutely hate being against this hero. What heroes shut him down in the Plat/Diamond range ?

If he early locks, here is a secret, play double tank or 2 tanks + a bruiser like Sonya.

He will likely not get a single kill against your team and will have to macro / get camps all game. He only kills other assassins fast. His damage vs 3 heavies is nonexistent.

It also wont hurt if one of those tanks is Arthas since all of his damage comes from AA and buffing his aa speed + damage (Press the Attack, Crushing Blows, Phantom Pain etc)


You post patch notes before he does.

Aka blizzard bot


I hate playing vs Illusion Master, it is unfair he can slip away to another lane when you’re about to kill him. Or you escape him, he switches to another image and kills you.

I don’t think it’s unfair, he gives up self sustain and self heals for that (though you can still heal up with the hearthstone shift queue trick, but it is contested whether that is a bug or feature). He has zero sustain in his kit except a tiny heal boost with Way of the Wind on 1.

He also has no way to deal anything except physical damage, unless you count a single talent that splashes 50% of crits as spell damage (Burning Blade) or his other silly heroic.

It’s still stupid. I understand how to counter Bladestorm because you just stun and kill him.

But I have no idea how on earth you counter illusion players. It’s like a Lost Vikings on steroids because of how much damage he can deal with some talents then control each image individually.

I wish he wouldn’t exist or got nerfed to oblivion.

Blinds or high HP heroes. Also keep taking your own camps so he doesn’t get value by stealing them. It’s not like he has a 100% win ratio.

You can also stack up Zul’jin, Chromie, Kel’thuzad or Tychus on his clones for free if he mindlessly spams images since early game.

lel, I’ve been on the forums too much, for a spit second reading this title I thought of “Sami” before Samuro. :blush:


Id also recommend a mage. I see some comps where people draft double AA into him and cannot burst him down. Good debufferz + mage work fairly well.

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Typically, making bad threads and stupid jokes will make @Sami ignore the thread.