How doth I playeth the fine hero Nazeebo?

I, the fine sir JumpyLion, have several questions about Nazeebo.

How doth I play him?

I usually go for the build of W, but can thee give my thy finest advice?


All replies must be in shakespearien.

All the Nexus’s a stage, and all the minions merely stacks!

To stack or not to stack, that is the question.
Cry ‘havoc’ and let slip the toads of war.

But really, don’t pick him if you can’t get 175 stacks before lvl 20.


My thanks to thee.

Thy name fits as well.

Find random frogs, stuff them down your pants, and when the opportunity arises, throw them at your enemies.

The same with spiders, but you may want to keep them in little jars so they don’t bite you.

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I’m suing you from the hospital.

The frogs don’t like it in my pants.


Alas, but woe, forsooĂž; where be iams, meterre, and rhymme?
Renown for couplettes, words of wyt, yet “doþ” be all your tyme!

ye, thy, thou, thee, thine, thyself bequest a most
vnusual loue for orĂžografy of yon era gone, host

Nazeebo has 3 basic gimmicks based on his lvl 1 talents. Spiders are for single target enemy harassment, toads are for sieging, and the range from Thing of the Deep is a sort of hybrid of the two by empowering zombies.

While toad quest wants stacks from hitting enemy heroes, it has a soft anti-synergy with how later toad talents work; Toads of Hugeness increases toad damage based on distance, but optimizing damage dealt to heroes is done up close (shotgun damage) to get all the stacks on 1 hero without bounces. Spiders themselves are handy for marking several pve targets (to help quest stacks) but the talents for them boost hitting only 1 enemy hero, so in either of those talent specs, the way those abilities are used are somewhat counter-intuitive to how their talents improve them.

Zombie wall on the other hand is a bit more straight forward; if an enemy is trapped in the circle, it makes it easier to land spider/toads on them and since structures don’t move, it’s easy to ‘trap’ structures and have them use up shots on disposable minions and help push the wave.

Basically, of the three options, you want to practice at least one of those, and find what cast range you feel ‘safe’ at playing nazeebo, and then taking talents around that playstyle. He does have a bit more variety than people may give credit (for instance, Things of the Deep doesn’t have to take zombie wall talents; having more cast ranges helps Toads of Hugeness for sieging forts or landing solo hit spiders)

His baseline quest does give him a lot of power post 20, but casual players may not have allies that let nazeebo double-soak all the minions for getting that quest done in like 7 minutes; i personally anticipate not finishing the quest and largely rely on Gargantuan (and lvl 20 heroic) for setting up a semi-tank for either zoning out objectives, taking/clearing mercs, or just attacking structures.

If players can’t land zombie + spider/toad comboes and aren’t marking minions with his trait for quest progress, he can seem bad and terrible at everything compared to other heroes, but for players that can land those solo spider hits, or wall traps, or time push and escape phases, he can seem OP by comparison.


English from time of Shakespeare
Is the only type welcome here.

Good tips though.

you probably mean “elizabethan” english then :stuck_out_tongue:

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You dont have to write a thread about every thought you make

I’m asking for gameplay advice.

Im pretty sure you dont but you didnt had a (1) on your top right corner

What did I just read?


A waste of a post

You w,e, into spirit you uncultured swine.

You’re not allowed to insult me like that because

This isn’t your twitter feed.

You the same guy that recently liked one of my posts from april? You like em old don’t you?


Anyway have fun trying to get any facsimile of leverage over me you dirty troll.

Here’s my Nazeebo build:


  • Thing of the Deep’s increased range for all of your abilities does better for you in the long run than +30% more damage for Q or 5 toads by vastly improving Nazeebo’s already inconsistent damage
  • Big Voodoo is a no brainer, unless you find yourself double soaking more than teamfighting when maintaining your mana and health is more important
  • Toads of Hugeness is my top choice here because it synergizes with Thing of the Deep very well in my opinion
  • If enemies lack interrupts, Ravenous Spirit will be the best choice. In all other situations, pick Gargantuan.
  • Ice Block is a no brainer, unless you find yourself up against a Spell damage heavy team, then pick Superstition
  • Soul Harvest is a no brainer
  • Vile Infection is a no brainer, if you can’t finish it, you should have not picked Nazeebo in the first place
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How to play Nazeebo in four easy steps.

  1. Stop eating meat. Stop lifting weights. Get as tiny and fragile as humanly possible. If you dont wear glasses already, buy some. Don’t drink tequila, coffee, redbull, whiskey, beer, or anything else that might get you pumped up and feeling good. Too much confidence could lead you to believe you can do things to actually try and win a game like damage, hero kills, or even attacking the core till death.

  2. Apologize to people even when it’s not your fault in hopes to avoid conflict. When your walking in public always keep your eyes on the ground, avoid eye contract with everyone, including yourself in mirrors. Eye contact could lead to things like greetings, conversation, friendships. You want to avoid all of that, these things could eventually lead to conflict. As a Nazeebo player your not built (Physically, Emotionally, Mentally) to handle anything over then controlled PvE environments.

  3. Press tab every other second. DONT LOOK AT ANYTHING BUT “EXPERINCE” TAB!!! I cant stress this enough. When your team loses the game, because they spent the whole game fighting 4v5, bravely i might add… You can press that tab button and say “well i lead the team in soak, so not my fault.” This will help you rationalize all the LOSSES that are gonna start to pile up. It’s a great coping mechanism, it will help you sleep at night.

  4. Give up on having fun. You need to just let go of the idea of joy. Get attached to feelings and emotions like “just making it” and “doing ok”


I’m sorry I don’t care about your requirements, a Melke in minor pain is not the one to try shakspearian non sense

So here’s a few thigns to note when playing Naz

Step 1: if you think the ONLY reason to pick Naz is for Vile Infection, pick another mage! Period full stop
Seriously if you’re going to give up an entire game and pretend you’re not even a hero until level 20 then just play a real mage because someone who isn’t a hero until 20 isn’t ah ero at all

Step 2: Range Quest/ Wall build is offence naz, Toad build is Defence Build, Spider Build is desperate racing if QM gave you Naz on Battlefield.

  1. Zoning: you don’t need to be hitting every single toad to do your work, remember the sheer amount of area he commands and play in kind of like a tank.