How can players with 1000's of games played have bad kdas..?

I get it… we were all new once… as was I and my kda was crap, however here’s the kicker… I improved after a couple hundred games. I keep getting matched with players who have 2.4 kdas and who’ve logged thousands of games on their account… and my god are they clueless players who make you think they just picked up the game for the first time. They Usually feed the most by a large margin, have no map awareness, no clue what they’re doing or how to simply play safe or when not to engage 1vs5. Shouldn’t these players be playing with other players with low kdas… not players with 3.5+ or close to 5 kda like me? There comes a point in the game… that if you’ve logged in a thousand or more games you clearly care and enjoy the game enough that you should want to improve and not be a crutch for your team by feeding or maybe there needs to be a report player for playing badly and not caring since this community enjoys policing their selves.

I know the system does the averaging of mmrs… but did Blizzard ever think that this is why people are toxic in the game… You start losing a few games whether your fault or maybe you have one of these potatoes and their rubbish kda on your team but then you keep getting more and more of these potatoes with their crappy kdas and the losing continues no matter how well you play. I don’t mind losing as long as it’s a good and fair game, but having players who clearly don’t care to improve or just don’t belong in my games annoys me greatly.

P.S, I’m sure i’ll get hate for this if anyone responds so flame away!! :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:


In the words of the immortal Sir Terry Pratchett: ‘My bum has been a bum for a long time. This doesn’t mean I have to listen to what it says.’


How does kda and MMR correlate? What about different roles and kda? I am not sure if the kda acutally means a lot in this game… early game kills don’t matter in the same way as lategame kills matter. This game is not about getting a good kda, because the goal is to destroy the core. What if a player dies in a teamfight but his team kills more enemy players so it can also kill the core? Sometimes you make a risky play that wins you the game even when you die but you knew your team will trade better.

It’s the same thing with every online team game. You will not get the best experience when you play it with random teammates and when you get new random players every match then of course you will meet bad ones too.
You don’t even mention which game mode you play…


There is some correlation between kda and skill but it’s far from as simple as OP makes it sound. First off KDA is hero specifik. Having 20 KDA is pretty cool, unless it’s on Abathur where it’s pretty normal. Some heroes, especially tanks are more fragilie to dying than backliners. some ranged DD’s has more escape tools than others and some even have stealth to protect them. This means that you have to compare heroes directly, which I assume the OP hasnt.

When that’s said, you can do a rough estimations of players KDA in comparison to their skill level on an average, if they dont spam abathur or is a support main/support lief only. I’ve come to notice that the “normal” kda for a person who is playing among players on his skill level is between 4 and 4.5. If the KDA extends above that it could indicate that the person is higher skilled than his current peers and the other way around. Have a good day.


If player does play solo it’s eazy. This game it’s group game and these numbers shows only group statistic. Of course if this a player not just stay afk when yer team i’s 100% goes to lose. And do not remember about ‘‘wonderfull’’ report system. Get a report not for afk, but just on causing of trying to soak 10,13,16 level till yer a team non-stop feeded…

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By playing E build Artanis.

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Same reason why you can have inheritors in Halo Reach who STILL feed and dont know how to aim for squat and have a negative KDA.

Bad kids going to be bad. Doesnt matter how long they play, they are just going to be BKs.

It’s difficult to improve your KDA if you have that many games. More games = less swing in stats per match.


Because different roles tend to have different jobs which leads to different KDA across the board?

It’s like you were expecting a support player to have an equal KDA as an Assassin or something like that.


Well I would assume with the QM changes, I will have slightly improved KDA with more frequently getting more balanced comps, instead of how many games were a 5v5 assassin slugfest clownfiesta feeding frenzy.

As for the players having so many games still not being amazing, just because people play the game a lot doesn’t mean they will be great at the game. Some people are content at staying at the skill level they are at, and instead of learning from their mistakes will continue to repeat them game after game.

Lots of games makes it harder to change the number as each match has a lower impact on the average.

Then there’s a question of what mode you play most. The lack of enforced comps in qm can result in ridiculous matches quite often. It’s better now but prior to this having games where everyone had at least 7 deaths due to goofy comps. Whereas playing vs ai the most you’ll have a very high kda because the mode is very easy.

Then there’s also heroes like abathur, tlv, and dva that by the nature of how they’re played skew the numbers to be way higher or way lower if you main one of them.

Tldr it’s a flawed stat that doesn’t properly paint a picture of the player’s skill level

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I was a kamikaze player when I first started the game.


What happens when I play assasin, tank, healer, and spec in 4 games? Is my average kda expected to be the same after all 4 games? Definitely not.

What’s absolutely amazing, is these A-hole players are the ones reporting you. They play like a selfish A-hole, cost everyone the game, and then report you for AFK, asking them to “soak”, or anything else you might type.

This is literally ruining HOTS. The game is garbage right now. Everyone knows it and thinks it. Why are you letting people ruin your game Blizzard?

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You can run thousands of matches and still be absolutely terrible at the game, nothing new with that it’s not like its only a thing in HoTS. Hell I saw a level 284 Raynor that didn’t even know what stutter stepping was once, you’d think after that many games he’d of figured it out.

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Considering that my games since the changes have only made it so most of my games have a tank and a healer, but are waaay less balanced player level and ranking level wise, I have a feeling its gonna mess up the KDAs even more if nothing else changes. Every game since the changes has been rainbow Q for me, with players from low silver to diamond and player levels from 1000+ to 100. Those lvl 100 Vallas getting bullied with 10+ deaths are messing up theirs and their opponents KDA.

I will also say that KDA is very relative in a game like HOTS.
Since takedowns can be gained for anything, and so called ‘‘tactical feeding’’ is actually a thing.
Since there are times when actually dying is good for your team and the over all game. KDA players are very often a detriment in this game.

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True, there are sometimes benefits in sacrificing yourself for an objective or killing the enemy core. But on averge I see high winrate people with 5+ KDA, sometimes even 6 or 7.

I have never, ever seen a person with 55%+ winrate and only 3 KDA or less.

When a player has tens of thousands of games, you can be sure most of these are vs AI. Because 10000+ games in PvP takes its toll.

Imo, most people above level 1500 are farm boyz with lots of gamez yes still cluelezz. The goldilocks zone is 300-1500. Bellow that you have too few games to know the details, above, you are just a farm boy. There are exceptions, ofc.

Well, the more games you play, the less your KDA moves.
Also, if you play a lot of tanks, you will have probably worse KDA than if you play range assassins for example.
It’s actually hard to compare in generally.
People learn and so when they start, they can have horrible KDA but the more they play and the more they learn, their KDA improves, but it will average anyway, showing maybe biased results in the end.