How can i improve?

now i have posted earlier ( bout a month . 5 ago ) something bout ranked play and how bad it is, well okay some ppl told me ways to improve and i did. but not rly enough.

you see, i am a bronze, and for me personally im better than other ppl at my level, which is a blessing. but its only for the ones my lvl. some ppl much higher usually claim that im not good enough. of course i ignore. but i also sorta have claim that i lose alot in ranked, which is true. and it has bummed me out. in my last post i said ranked play just has sooo many bad ppl its ridiculous, and with bad i mean toxic/troll/feeder/ u get the message. now they told me improve and try different heroes i did. and im better. but why do i still lose ALOT? and how do i know if its me whos trash or the luck i have to play with ppl like that is trash? for instance, literary last ranked match i ( falstad ) on dragon shire did practically nothing ( in terms of bad play, u see XD ) and our raynor, a lvl 800 ( im 330 ish ) started smacktalking and saying ( Oh HiS HiGhNeSs Is MaTCheD WiTh BaD pPl) cause we were losing. i get pissed and tell him its just a game. he continues being the poisonous trash he is, as all of the mentally disabled and lifeless ppl are.

at some point i do a very devatating mistake cause of misclicking. you see, we were in midlane and all the enemy was coming and, you know that ability that u always save for retreat and u almost never use it to ingage EXEPT in winning cases? yea i misclicked to them and died. and boy oh boy did this stupid piece of junk get mad. he unleashed his FULL BARRAGE on me cause of the single mistake. i saw his dmg and xp, i was higher in some places, he was in some. so i didnt know whos on the right rly. his dmg/ tankng/xp were normal too, nothing too fancy. but with this poisonous creature came an antidote, MR ARTHAS who defended me :smiley: . he told mr cancer that why did u blame falstad when sylvannas picked a wrong hero and did basically nothing this whole match and left us without melee assasin.

another ranked match i had before it we were winning, and i was care-azim even tho my role choices said NO HEALER, yet i took the job cause no 1 EVEN BOTHERED SPEAK BOUT IT. anyways we were winning until the boss came bottom. i and 2 others were defending the impossible whilst guess who i find on the obj ( IT WAS SKY TEMPLE) mr malthael and mr fenix, our most precious dmg dealers. and their core was at 33% with shield and 2 keeps up. 1 ALMOST DOWN CAUSE IT WAS RLY LOW FOR 10 MINS BUT NO 1 EVEN BUDGED neither with top obj or pushing. wow.

with these 2 stories whos on the wrong? i or them. if them,then go back to my post ( ranked play sucks ) if i, then


edit: i dont speak english as mah main language so im sawree :frowning:
and i may edit alot

It sounds like the easiest way, although time consuming, is to watch good players on twitch, critically; many you can pay to help tell you what you’re doing wrong in a game (trust me its a lot of things over 20 things in any given minute). Unfortunately blizzard messed up with this game and most useful players left the scene but I know Crisheros still plays a ton, and although he is a bit of a 1 trick, you can watch what others on his team in the GM level do, he will also complain on what they do wrong ;). There are probably others, but I only care a little bit more than blizzard cares about this game so I dont know any more. :slight_smile: good luck!

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watching a good player on twitch can help you, see what makes them win and what makes them lose, but you have to pay attention to the small details or get someone who is teaching as they play. kendrich swish can teach you some. and a few others.

at bronze you really have to figure out who is decent at teamfights but excellentat pve to win.

man I would hate to get trapped in bronse. Alright, first off. Never listen to anyone who uses hero damage or kills to say they are better then you. The numbers lie. EXP contribution is a huge factor, but I have never seen a toxic player bring up EXP contribution.

At low ranks getting camps is a good way to get ahead, BUT NEVER DO A CAMP WITH A HERO THAT WILL TAKE MORE THEN 10 seconds on. If you are a healer you should be with the team fight, or where the fighting is. If you are a warrior you should be in lane playing safe. Leave the camps for heroes that can clear them quickly.

Any time spent waiting is time loosing. Always be doing something.

If the game is less then 15 minutes and your clear a keep, just back out even if your objective is still pushing. It is better to take out anouther keep then to waist time not breaking past the shield on the core. Take the safe bet.

Lastly watch some of your replays. No one likes watching replays, but you can see what you are missing. Look for the times where you are just waiting.

first off, i would like to thank all of u for these pieces of advice :smiley: and ur initiative to reply. i mean it. anyways, the thing is, sometimes in these low ranks, you can CLEARLY SEE whos actually playing with mind open vs. a closed minded one SO MUCH to the point where you even begin to question youre value in the team. i will surely take these advice, but i may also use them to see my teammates cause, well, i wanna know whos missing out here. if i find many teammates/enemies against ur description of a good player, ill be relieved i am not the mistake doer. :smiley: i actually posted this cause i was losing so much in qm and ranked i began questioning myself. luckily, i am not mindless and i usually do a bit more than others ( example i was on a team where , not one,not 2, but ALL OF THEM would do practically nothing, half would feed by getting literary 13 deaths in less than 10 mins and the rest ignoring obj, complete map INAWARENESS and aimless goal (going around killing minions when something big like an obj is coming up or a teamfight or boss or, u get the idea.) and me, the li-ming, was by definition THEE BEST in terms of human logic, like. im not THAT BAD thank u)

thx u again for replying and i hope u have a great time in the nexus.

gl, hf

the two biggest things regardless of rank is

  • dont die
  • xp means a lot

now this means different things and different places in the game. for instance in Bronze ranked pretty much all you need to worry about is “dont die” and “make sure you get lots of XP while you help your team”. XP comes from lanes, mercs, and kills so you can imagine killing players is sometimes the hardest way to get this and yet ppl will sit around doing nothing dancing back and forth wasting time. in higher ranks though sometimes ppl understand merc timings, rotations, lane splits, and other more detailed things about the game that lower ranks just dont fully grasp.

anyway a few videos i think are good to watch are these besides watching high level players and other things:

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i will surely look into these vids when i have time. thanks for ze reply

Best way to improve is this …

Unninstall the game.

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