HOTS needs a extra layer of complexity

First you say this.

Then you say this.


BTW your under 50% win rate. Talking a lot of trash considering bro. Just saying lol.

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This is his stats for SL + HL + TL:

And this is with QM:

HotSlog accurate lul.


Dunno how is it rank shaming. Its pure logic.

How does it make any sense for gold (for example) to call game he is gold in “ez”, if all he could achieve is gold? Its basically shaming yourself, because you couldnt get out of gold in ez game lol


I’m glad you asked that question. I don’t question that Lol and Dota 2 is more complex/harder than HotS.
Imo football is more complex than soccer. But that doesn’t mean soccer is not complex or that it’s easy.
So if ppl ask to make soccer more complex because football is complexer is a mute argument imo.

Let me try to make it more clear to you because I see you’re having a hard time understanding what I said: If anyone says a game is not complex enough, I expect them to be masters of it, otherwise they’re just talking big for nothing.
But I don’t shame or ignore ppl for their ranks. I actually have a friend who is Gold(?) but I value her opinion a lot.

My overall winrate is 51.4% ingame. I’ll share a screenshot if you want, but hotslogs is inaccurate.


by that logic, the developer or lead developer is appointed based on #1 rank on the game.

There is no correlation with rank / wanting more complexity. Zero. The logic is flat out dumb, im sorry. It just does not make sense.

I will take your word for it. My point still stands.

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I’m not talking about correlation. I just don’t understand why would anyone call a game easy what they can’t master? Or why would they ask for more compelxity if the current is already too much for them?

Thank you.

I get your point, I agree on the part that just because football is more complex than soccer then does not mean soccer or every sport must change to be as complex as football.

but the analogy is flawed, because we talk about game with same genre here, MOBA - and if you think that this game is different with other MOBA, then your argument for comparing this game as “3rd biggest MOBA” with the link is invalid.

second because the game is still changing, from balance, hero update, mechanic. the developer themselves, is constantly changing. but none of the “fanbois” ever react the same way as you. like, “oh you think Stitches need rework? let me see how good you are using him? you just don’t know how to use him duh”

so this just a suggestions, to the developer.

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Presumptuous nonsense. I am not some bronze / silver / gold player talking out my behind. This game IS easy and easy to master. It lacks depth. I have no idea why you are arguing this.

I played hots first. This was my first moba, as I came from other blizzard games. I got a alpha invite and thought why not. I have played a ton of games here. My MMR has bounced around plat-diamond-master.

When I picked up lol / dota, there was so much to learn. Especially dota, which I found needlessly complex just for the sake of being complex. I could give numerous examples why this is, but I dont think you will listen.

HOTS IS easy. AF. I dont get why your arguing otherwise. I really dont. The entire perception based around this game is that it is easy. All reviews say this game is easy. A lot of hardcore players avoid this game because it is so easy.

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LoL, DoTA2, HoTS.

It we are comparing these 3 games, it does seems like HoTS was in the last place.

In fact, even one of the popular HoTS streamers has finally switched to LoL.

So yes, I agreed with you on this.

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And soccer and football are both ball-sports. But never mind, next time I’ll try to make a better analogy.

First, actually they do say stuff like that. It’s another question that it’s warranted or not.
Second, let’s say Hero X exists. Someone claims they need buffs. We indeed need to check how good that person is with the Hero (and what the different sources of statistics say) because if that person is worse than the average it’s most likely a l2p issue no matter how much ppl/we dislike this statement.
Third, balance changes and reworks tho are changes, not as game-changing as a “new layer of complexity” which might destroy the game’s current image and feel.

Fourth, items/artifacts/weapons/gems/runes call it whatever you want, are still just the illusion of complexity. It’s like adding another one or few talent tiers but with generic talents.
Plus it would need grinding or cash, making the game less fun/more pay to win. What I don’t want (tho I spent and will spend money on this game, but I’d rather keep it cosmetic purchases).
Not talking about the balancing nightmare or the decrease indepth which it’d cost. If ppl can custome their Heroes with the same items, every Hero becomes a bit of a generic (the opposite of niche) Hero, making draft (which is depth imo) less important and relevant.

Ok, but this is a forum, so even the suggestions addressed to the developers need to be discussed by the community, Which seems to dislike the idea and not because they fear complexity.
It’s because they like this game without the elements what Lol has.

Let’s create complex ability-mechanics, wombo-combos, or map designs/objectives. Rather than adding “items”.

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sadly this is not what it’s like on the developer, developer =/= forum talk

it is not illusion of complexity, some is unnecessary? probably, but not an illusion.
and actually item-like talent called generic talent exist on this game, which basically is an item accessible only to few heroes. so what’s the different?

no one said that in here, if you talk about illusion, then this is your illusion. it doesn’t have to be required with gold.

the balance is already a nightmare before. and this is the main issue, the item doesn’t have to be the same with other moba which sometimes drastically increase stat. it could be on % value. and consumable item for utility purpose such vision ward, MULE, healing ward, or other type.

the suggestion to developer need approval from the community? ok that’s new, is that an official rule?



“PCG: Was simplicity on your mind while you were thinking about all this stuff, or was simplicity just what you arrived at after going back to those old gameplay ideas?”

"DB: Simplicity is always on our mind at Blizzard game design and Blizzard art and Blizzard engineering. We know that great games come from very simple gameplay pieces that are stacked fifty on fifty on top of one another. The cards in Hearthstone are very simple in the design, but when they start interacting it gets insane. It gets really deep and really interesting. So it wasn’t just this game, StarCraft has a core value of simplicity of design. Trying to keep the pieces clean and clear and as crisp as possible.

This does a couple of things; first of all, it makes the game easier for everybody to get into, which is very exciting. Second of all, it makes it easier to balance and deal with when we’re building the game. It also still makes for an incredibly deep experience because, with the gameplay pieces being simple, everybody can focus on higher levels of strategy"


That’s what some talked about.

Generic talents basically got all removed. There are really few left. Most got customized for characters, making each unique.
What’s the difference? You need to learn all the talents. 86 Heroes, usually 3 talents/tier, there 7 tiers, making it around 1800 talents. Knowing them is necessary and a depth.

Those are all generic ideas. Making the Heroes more generic, which makes draft less important, which takes away depth from the game.

The game’s balance is good actually.


and how was it relevant when you where trying to do it earlier with other posters?

The functional concern of the previous time you brought up bronze/shaming/whatev was in the assertion that hots required ‘more’ teamwork, and then chose dismiss the notion offhand as “deathball isn’t hard”

The semantics of the position there seemed to overlook that the supposed necessity of teamwork doesn’t make something harder to do, but it just a facet of the roles at hand.

The fixation on a carry for Dota (at least) could mean that a game is ‘won’ from either the babysat lane, or the midlane depending on the success of the farm, protection of the carry, and the gank or rune control to enable a person to get strong enough to cripple the other side’s equivalent investment. (or someone just wasting the gold focus on bad items and thus waste their potential)

For HoTS, since resource acquisition influences the whole team’s power in both a literal level of experience and also the functional capacity to have the bodies present to fill the roles needed to context a point, it demands that people work together to contest said point and to acquire the resources and the roles to do as such. Its not “hard” but it does place a minimum-higher body count to get the roles generally needed to combat an opponent accordingly.

‘roles’ for a least Dota (cuz I don’t Lol) are just a distribution of expected gold farm. In HoTs, certain roles are ‘necessary’ (to some extent) to bring up the whole of the teams power because there isn’t a single person to ‘carry’ the demands of a skirmish in the same way a hero with the core items would.

and this is part of where the ‘rank shaming’ might be a concern. a ‘support’ in other games has ‘play making’ potential because they bring cc.

How is that different from hots?

Hi tyrande
Hi Malfurion
Hi stukov
hi, and so on.

People that assert the ‘healbot’ gist for supports on hots would arguably do so out of ignorance or double-standards. Supports in Dota are 'ward bots" who pretty much bring 1-2 skills to a combo and then otherwise burn down on consumable items in ritualistic repetition. They don’t need levels or gold to contribute because they don’t have much to contribute in the power scope of the resource distribution for other roles and tend to function for a utility effect and then focusing on kills.

For Hots, if your supports aren’t helping to secure kills while maintaining a higher demand for survival (and not being a focus/trade tactic because of power imbalance) than that’s the player doing it wrong – hit up some masterleague replays and wonder if its not the support just “heal botting” there.


afaik sitting at altar that shooting lazor at your enemy is not a strategy. and before you mention it, split push is term stolen from “other moba”. so tell me other than that.

just because one generic talent said 1 second unstoppable, and the other said 1.5 unstoppable, is considered different talent. it’s just poorly attempt of the developer to make it “different”.

knowing item/talents =/= strategy.

not a fact, also draft is not important here. feel free to try draft on dota.

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which support you talk about? there is 2 type of support, that is if you play with common roles.
also the term survival you said is actually apply to Dota, in fact it’s much more complicated that it also include vision, ganking, guarding jungle, it’s all depend on the what type of support you are playing.

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It would help, immensely, if objectives varied more than ‘absolutely ruin a lane’ or ‘simultaneous lane push.’
Punishers come close by focusing on players. I don’t know what they’re on about with Braxis’ zerg, I almost never see them give players any guff-- the Punishers can single-handedly wipe a team early if that team is too reckless. I think you’d have to screw up pretty hard to get that from the zerg.

Anyway, Towers of Doom threatens to be interesting but considering it’s just sort of removing the middleman of ‘lane’ straight to ‘core’ it doesn’t feel ‘different’ as much as ‘claustrophobic.’

HotS, somehow, needs maps with objectives that don’t focus exclusively on trivializing one or more lanes.

Let me give a single example the differences between supports in the mobas, real quick.

Anduins E. Roots for 1.25 secs. a single talent affects it. Skillshot.

Morgana Q Roots for 3 secs at max rank. Also a skillshot. However this actually also does nice damage as well. Decent sized nuke, and with the correct items…IT HURTS.

Which has more impact? What are we arguing about here? Facts people.

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Tut tut, you know full good and well that the big difference is that every single character in League has access to Tenacity. Mercs alone knock her root down by almost a full second.