HOTS needs a extra layer of complexity

Phantom killing whole enemy team alone. Requires 0 teamplay.
Most of dota plays doesn’t require full team cooperating to kill the enemies. Same for LoL. Because one overfed hero can mostly kill the enemies alone.

That will never happen in HotS, thus you need to focus more on teamplay than solo play.


Heros is it’s own entity in MOBAs. It was designed for working as a team, not as an individual. Is that a good thing? Yes and no. Yes in the sense that people can’t say “I carried that team” unless you can actually prove it. No because this is the internet and we are all individuals with our own lives and we probably don’t want to be yelled at buy someone for being 2 seconds late to a team fight.

This game requires team based work, Dota and LoL don’t, witch isn’t a bad thing. Heroes is the game it is because it’s team based. Personally I can’t play LoL because it’s more single based, not saying I need a team to carry me because I suck, it’s that I can’t play solo.

Would I like some solo aspects? Not really no. Do I like the team based gameplay? When my team can work together absolutely

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Okay so your logic is since its POSSIBLE to carry the game as one hero, teamplay matters more here? That is your logic? That is pretty weak…

People can be super heavy in those mobas as well, and are unable to be carried. Seen it happen plenty of times at all ranks. Regardless of how fed / skilled one player is.

Besides what you are describing is pretty rare. It does not happen as much as people say.

Sure it does. You reliant on your teammates here.

I doubt anyone is reliant on a “support” in DotA or LoL with his 0 items and 5 levels less.

And by the way, tell us your epic logic why the teamplay matters more in Dota or LoL. Want to hear that.

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I pick the same talents almost every time I play lol.

Items does not equal talents. Since League doesn’t have talents the champ’s abilities have more to them. Which btw I did notice a trend in hots where blizz does give more power to the abilities instead of unlocking it with a talent which is good.

Baron is actually a well designed objective since you still need team coordination to make the best use out of it. In hots, the objectives are so strong that even with not a lot of team coordination can still still push down towers. And some maps, you have a strong objective and dont need team coordination for it.

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Thresh hooks dont win the game? Blitz same thing? Sona ult? Supports in those games are freaking amazing and are playmakers. No they are not heal bots like they are in HOTS, sure true. But they far from worthless.

Scuttle fights, leashing the dragon so it resets, taking the other jungles camps when you know they are in your jungle, ect ect ect all example why teamplay is important in those games. The duo lanes ARE ALL ABOUT TEAMPLAY. WIth insane synergy between the ADC / SUPP. Just b/c its not 5 vs 5 does not mean there is no teamplay. = / People think the 5 vs 5 deathball is some kind of super complicated teamplay strat. Newsflash, it is not…

Besides that it all changes after laning phase is over. Let us describe what you are talking about, one enemy is destroying your team b/c mid fed him. He is 10-2. How are you going to take him down and get that shutdown gold? Teamwork!!

We are splitting hairs here and getting off topic. We can agree to disagree I guess.

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How many times a 5v5 happens in DotA or LoL?
How often is the game decided by 5v5 fight?

I’m not saying good Sona ulti can’t win the game.
Heal bots? Maybe you should try to play some healers, you’d be surprised.

Well, the 5v5 fight is more complicated team strategy to execute perfectly than ADC/SUP doing something on bottom lane. Surprise surprise, it’s harder to coordinate abilities of 5 people than of 2. Imagine that… I know it’s hard, but try it. ADC/SUP is more times just sup standing back, watching ADC to lasthit. Much coordination.

Yes, he is 10-2. So you are going 5 on him. And his team does what? Waits behind towers and watch? No. They kill you all because that one player is fed. Or, you go 2v1 and he kills you regardless. And in case you kill him, god protect you you accidentaly last hit him as support. You life just ended.

Yeah, we can agree to disagree.

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Why are you under the assumption that the 5 vs 5 deathball is some kind of complicated strat? I really do not understand this. It is mindless, simple, and not difficult at all. It is literally the most simple of strats…

Don’t bother arguing with this troll (OP). imo

Every so often we have some LoL/DotA troll try to chad their way in thinking they know everything, citing “pro player” prophecies, yet never going back to supposedly superior games. It’s the usual “Prove me wrong or else I’m right lolz” argument. The real problem is whether or not we want to invest time in reasoning with these types or just close your browser and get some extra games in. :slight_smile:


Troll has been called lol. And I am a Chad. Hard to argue with that logic. So if I state a fact, such as you have over 1k games and are still bronze, is that trolling? Or stating the literal truth?

Just because you dont like what I have to say does not make me a troll. I never insulted him, nor called him names. Maybe your perception is off a bit.

Aww, you looked me up on HotSlogs and have no idea I missed a year because I was busy being GM IRL. How cute. :slight_smile:

PS: Your rank resets. If you look back enough you’d know that mr “amz so pro I need complexity lul”

So you dont even play this game, and when you do your horrible. Why are you even commenting on a game you dont play? That makes little sense.

Take your own advice and get some games in. I look forward to you climbing to silver. I believe in you.

Here are some facts before I go back to gaming:

I play this game every day. You’re making assumptions to sound edgy.
I have multiple accounts.
I literally do not care what you think about my hotslogs profile (if I did I’d be playing this account more often).

I thought about arguing more but I have good bourbon and would rather be gaming so enjoy your thread dude. If you’re still here in a month, at least try to be interesting/original. :slight_smile:

In HOTS there isnt only 5v5 mind you. Try watching any coaching session, or master+ analysis and you will see macro is way important in HOTS. Not saying there is no macro in LOL or DOTA, but the little credit you gave them for HOTS triggers me.

Items in LOL and DOTA only gives you pseudo feeling of complexity, it will boil down to one core build anyways for every champ in the role. Sure there are some special cases and some specific people playing off meta builds that can be fun, but the meta is what wins you the game most and usually most effective.
I have played DOTA 1 but not 2.

I love it when people (not directly you, and maybe slightly off topic) comes to HOTS thinking they can carry with their super pro skillz, because they are fed in the early game in other games.

What is your account then? And why dont you post on your “real” account? I would love to take a look…

Why would you have multiple accounts? What is the point unless your trying to actually make a good account b/c your others ones are trashed?

Apparently this is not true.

No wonder your bronze with a 2.5% MVP rate. Drinking and mobas lol.

Anyways lets hear what your “real” account looks like. I would to take a look. You say you dont care but I not sure if I believe you. I think you do care, and that is why you keep making new accounts, b/c you know the others ones have been trashed by you.

I personally enjoy how hots is wrapped up in a nice neat package. However, if we’re talking about popularity, i can’t deny that there are people who enjoy complexity.

Spending time researching your favourite hobby can be fun. Building up a vast knowledge of a game can also be another avenue for progression. By knowing more you can improve your performance despite not improving mechanically. I can see how some players would find that appealing.

I do agree with you in a way. I am just saying the 5 vs 5 deathball is not some super complicated strat. You see it bronze, silver, everywhere. Its not hard to do. To do perfectly? Maybe thats difficult, subjective though.

Since hots players think this game is so simple, they dont think they have to research anything to improve. What is the point? Its so simple. I understand there is more depth than meets the eye, sure. But the perception is that hots is super ultra simple, thus nobody takes the time to learn all the ins and outs.

Saw this coming soon as I typed it lol. Why would I tell you my alt accounts? Would that not defeat the purpose of them? Why would I want to prove it to you anyway?

Nope, not quite. This one I don’t mind elaborating on because I feel it’s productive. The point of them is because I have a paranoia about matchmaker. Way back in Alpha I’d win most of my games until I would get invited to a group or a friend would invite me. Then the losing streaks would occur because we’d seemingly be paired with teammates that had no idea what they were doing or the other team was a 5-man premade. EVERY. TIME. It became a regular thing where making friends actually sucked because you wouldn’t want to group with anyone. Multiple accounts were more of a way for me to quantify superstition vs isolated incidents. So far, solo queing has been the best for me. I enjoy doing that. This account is my stress-free, hyper social account now.

It’s absolutely true. What evidence do you have that it isn’t? The thing with facts is that you have to substantiate them or else you’re full of it.

You have yet to say anything that sounds like you are genuinely interested in learning anything from anyone. You have this guise of pretending to yet you already have your mind made up because you think you have it figured out and you’ve come to save all of us who legitimately love this game because you think it needs more complexity. Well, it doesn’t, yet you’re here making ridiculous arguments, misinterpreting data, and belly-aching to change a good game rather than playing LoL/DotA. If that isn’t trolling, you’re doing a crap job of showiing otherwise. You aren’t saying anything original, you aren’t a chad, you didn’t find Waldo, and you aren’t going to affect this game’s design so kindly get over yourself. No one here owes you anything. Period.

More trolling. Learn how HotSlogs works dude. You aren’t actually making any points with this so it’s obvious.

Look man, I get that you’re REALLY trying to upset me but you’re not. So if you wanna insist I’m bronze and 2.5% MVP whatever stat you looked up, feel free. I’ve wasted more time in this thread than I cared to so that’s definitely the bourbon at this point.

Good. Day.

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Volsong it took you 30 minutes to come up with that response lol. Not very quick witted are we? Thanks for bumping my thread however. I do appreciate it.

Haha and why is that? Because this game is good and needs no changes right?

Love the irony.

You too man. I know your other accounts are probably trash too, thats why you want to keep them hidden. I do think your paranoid though. Just not in the context your thinking.