HOTS may be getting shut down due to FTC

There’s a difference between forcing animals to fight each other to the death for your amusement and humanely slaughtering an animal for food.

One is necessary to sustain life, the other is not. And yes, you absolutely need animal protein to live a healthy life. There are essential amino acids that cannot be found in plants.

Maybe one day when animal tissue grown in a lab not only is cheaper, but tastes just as good we will legislate agricultural slaughter as it will no longer be necessary.

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No doubt. tons of useless portrait icons I’ll never use. Oh, and like half a dozen basic horse palettes. Meanwhile, no prime evil banners. Ragnaros still getting no love, etc. ;p


Wow, they’ll have to go back to the far superior “1.0” version before they threw horrid lootboxes into the game, such a loss.

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Since I don’t have an addiction to videogames, I’ll be fine.

No thanks. I don’t disagree that there’s a lot of useless items, but there’s also the chance of getting useful ones. One of the best things about 2.0 was finally having the ability to acquire skins, mounts, and so on through boxes instead of having to spend real money on them. The loot could be a lot better, but I prefer this over paying $10 every time I wanted a skin or mount. Screw that

I’m ubiquitous, what can I say? :^)

Don’t see why this would even be a thing we still got starcraft 1 servers up don’t we? Why would this even be a topic…

It is not. Hence why the topic is 1 year old.

They removed the ability to buy loot boxes with gems so already comply. The HotS loot boxes are just bonuses for playing.


more shards to actually exchange for items you want?

Yeah, to be fair, the last time I spent money was before HotS 2.0 to buy some skins I liked and I have not made real money purchases since, because I do not like gambling/lootboxes.

I rather pay 10€ for a skin I want than buy a bunch of lootboxes for a tiny chance to get that skin.

I really want to know how people find these 1 year old topics to Necro? This one is especially irrelevant as you can’t even spend real money to buy loot boxes now.


but u can spend money on boosts to earn more gold and with that gold u can buy lootboxes!

You can also spend money on an RPG to increase its drop rates, or improve its drop pool. Borderlands has plenty of DLC weapon additions aswel. boosts are generaly much safer compared to a single lootbox since a boost is a boost over a timespan.

An epic loot chest could be worth:

  • 810 shards (2 legendaries, 2 greys - high value)
  • 525 shards (1 legendary, 1 epic, 1 blue, 1 grey - still high value)
  • 140 shards (1 epic, 2 greys, 1 blue - common and poor value)
  • 120 shards (1 epic, 3 greys - also common and worst value)

So with luck you can get 7x the rewards compared to the somewhat average. And it all depends on a legendary.

With stimboosts, you often end up with an average over the timespan of that boost. So you can get 10 chests of 4 greys, but 1 legendary can completely compensate. And over 1 year, it becomes impossible to track how much value was added due to the sheer number of loot. Its gamble part becomes minimal.
Thats why its not an issue.

And best of all: you are ensured to get more loot! Even if that extra loot is still just 4 greys every single time. And the gold increase is another bonus.

Sure, diffirent systems might be better, but the current one is quite decent to begin with. Especialy since its untradable cosmetics only.

Next time you reply to a thread make sure to check its date man. But hey lets ignore that and necro a 1 year old thread like all 0 post accounts do.

yes but boosts like in hots def. advertise addiction.
i think they should limit the daily amount u can earn extra or some ppl especially kids would feel like they lsoe out if they dont play and earn gold for the money they paid