Hogger meets Crash Bandicoot!

I think Crash Bandicoot would be very nice skin for hogger. Not only that but when it comes on the blizz app it would be a great promotional item too. Acitivsion loves their promotional items so everyone wins!


No, thanks :face_with_monocle:

Crash Bandicoot have been recently release in Battle.net as I know Hogger is newest hero that recently release, eventually I would know that some of these heroes like Anduin & Mei has been more skins, that I can fits in here.

Update: as of recently some of these users had to changed avatars I had intended to changed avatar tomorrow.

Excuse me, the game disagrees. One prime example is Metroid skin on LT Morales. or Kharazim’s wolverine / avatar last airbender skins. There are more examples but i dont wanna look through every hero skin to find it.

Yes Please!

If we do that, than Deathwing must get the Spyro skin!

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Nazeebo with Aku-Aku mask (maybe an alt tint as Uka-Uka)!