Heroes, What do you miss in the game that is now removed?

All the what-if portraits of potential skins :pensive:

Mecha Whitemane and Orphea, Xenotech and Motherboard Queen Zag, Robo and Dark Nexus Ragnaros, Valkyrie (I assume) Kerrigan, Emperor Zerg (Toy Story) Leoric, Spectre Thrall

I always felt like they put more work into portraits than necessary but I never complained.
If anything I hope thereā€™s full art out there somewhere. :pray:

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Fountains being destructible.
Escape from Braxis.
Piloting Garden terror.


Li-ming update which ultimately led to shields on fountain which was a precursor to indestructible was not something I missed.

I thought shields were fine. But I disagree with reducing the amount of plays and strategies in the game.

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Shields were okay.
I just meant Li-ming nuking your buildings while you sat and watched was an awful experience.

Shields did make minions less effective if they pushed without aid. many times half of them got aggroā€™d by fountain and did no real damage to it.
Not that theyā€™d do that much on their own anyways but sometimes every little bit helps.

Haunted mines and Tychus with active leech rather than self heal after minigun ends.

Old Hanamura.
Possession on Sylvanas as Ult.
New Heroes. xD
Old cool Talents, like Arcane Power or Gathering Power.

Why would anyone ever wan that as an ult?

My first though reading the title hahaha.
Its a wound that never healā€¦ :Ā“(

Bec it was cool.
But gain control of the mercs was waaaay to late on 20.
Should move it on 10, in my opinion.

On 20, buff the possessed Minion/Merc with +Damage/Health or something.

I miss double bombs on Zeratul, Diabloā€™s charge damage and old Tassadar.

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There is no way in hell they are ever letting any hero convert enemy mercs.

I miss jaina being able to cast blizzard on the enemy team during set up time.

  • The fact that we used to get a new hero every month (or at least thatā€™s how fast I think we used to get new heroes)
  • Haunted mines
  • Old garden of terror
  • Legendary skins having a new voice-over
  • Animated home screens
  • Being able to switch positions inside the protector if there was only one player using it
  • Ranked and unranked draft sessions used to have animated hero portraits
  • Old stealth
  • PvE brawls
  • Heroes having lip sync animations (since imperius, new heroes donā€™t have any lip sync animation when they speak)

There are so many things I miss :C


HL/TL getting removed was bad but I get why they would not split the playerbase after what they want to play. But for me HL ment that I knew my enemy was never a 5 stack that would have major advantage over my team full of solos. If they wanted to 5 stack they would just que for TL and play vs other 5 stacks as it was ment to be. No need to sacrifies defendles solo players for 5 stacks amusement.

In HL everyone had equal chance of winning.


Yeah, forgot to mention that, but HL was the best time Iā€™ve ever had in hots. Miss that so much :confused:

Oh please no, no ammo on the towers. Please donā€™t give them such ideas :sweat_smile:

I prefer the towers to have infinite ammo. I donā€™t like the idea of the Devs putting ANY additional emphasis on solo play.
Iā€™m talking about solo play in the way of queuing as a off-lane hero and playing PvE like itā€™s an MMORPG game.

For meā€¦ itā€™s the most disgusting playstyle to witnessā€¦ Like seeing a Xul going up and down, double soaking and rooting you when you come only to flee to the other lane. Itā€™s justā€¦ a puke fest.

Or Ragnaros Lava wave that will cause your towers to deplete as he gets ALL the xp while sitting on a beach with a martini in his hand.
Get the cake and eat it with sum sugar on top.

But youā€™ll always have people doing afk split push. We shouldnā€™t be punished having less and less strats because of them.


Afk pushing lanes can end up being reported for distruptive behavior if you are ignoring your team and force them to fight 4v5 whole game. You are no help for your team if your afk laning does not give your team any advantage other then you giving free exp to enemy team for your deaths.

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Staff members

Yup, I said it